Platinum Achieved!

Well, you only need one place to store everything.

Obviously, your slots your choice but you don’t have to have 4 IF you could switch characters mid battle from one specialism to another character YES that would justify 4 L31’s that could allow you to play different roles as a team. Thinking about it now, its a great idea. Imagine - Vanguard +3 others all at mid 20’s.

You could help them out killing a load of enemies for XP, then as they rank up further - can play a support role spotting enemies, reviving, medical and ammo drops it would be brilliant…but the balance is off on a lot of the skill tree, the effort far outweighs the outcome.

IF the team ever decide to go level out the skill tree, the XP cap, prestige points, re-spec feature will all have to be looked into and would take years to develop.



You, good sir, have blown my mind!

A one player, 4 character team!

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Well the carry cap is kinda of a soft cap. You can go above it. One character can carry pretty much infinite stuff. Unless it stops at 999. But 1000kg should be enough. Since there is no further punishment other than no movement, you can have one person carry 400kg of ammo, and to access it go to a safe house where you spawn in next to the plundra and start putting stuff in.

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Yes, this is what I do.


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yeah i have about 140 kg on one poor character

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