Please give players what they want - listen to the community!

That to me is a complete contradiction. If I called something you owned “junk” your home, your car, etc. Would you say, gee, thanks for your comments? You don’t sugar coat it by saying, well they have potential. That’s like saying “bless your heart” makes it ok to say whatever you want. Like, “Bless your heart, you’re an idiot!” That doesn’t make it ok to say. (And NO I’m not saying that about you, just making a point.)

Yes, the forums are a place where we share ideas and how we feel about things. I don’t see anything wrong with stating how we feel about things. But I believe there is a difference in stating how we feel vs when we start antagonizing others.

So, I’m not saying you didn’t make some valid points. I’m trying to say we all need to use tact and respect in how we share those points.

:smile: :+1:

Since you asked- I’d be content to just see more of the same storyline but continued and clarified some, along with side quests. Revealing what happened to the civil population or some details on the engagements which the Swedish Armed forces waged might be topics. A small storyline on the background to one of the new weapons which we received might be another. I’m content with the same machines and the same weapons. One of the biggest strengths of the game IMHO is the beautiful map- making an expansion of one of the islands an automatic plus.

Perhaps a ‘simple’- truly simple- hardcore survival mode that:

  1. Eliminates fast travel, making vehicles truly worthwhile unless one’s content to hoof it;

  2. markedly reduces the amount of scavenged ammunition, medkits and other finished products and makes the player produce them from base components;

  3. makes the machines a bit deadlier by reducing their reaction time from the moment that they halt by one- quarter to one- half of a second;

  4. adds bridges linking the mainland with every reachable island- and with the entrances / exits being potential choke points for enemy patrols.

  5. more roving, combined arms, enemy patrols, with air cover where applicable;

  6. give the player one additional skill point for every five, ten, or twenty additional levels, and;

  7. after- AFTER adding an island, develop the mountain region as you did the other regions.

I frankly don’t expect to see all of these, but one or two would be nice. This is just my two cents’ worth. That said, the base game is solid. I don’t use mods, which may be a reason why I’ve never had any real problem with my game yet. To sum up, I’m interested in a map expansion, some additional storyline content, and a more challenging game. I have stockpiled ammunition, medkits and such at every base that I have- and most of them are full, because I explore and scavenge. Having to dip into those reserves having the machines be more of a challenge would be great. I’m only one player, but if a new island DLC was released, I’d purchase the few remaining packs that I don’t yet have just to support the game.


Yeah. That’s why you pointedly left out the very next sentence that I typed- where I told you WHAT I was attacking. You’re obviously free to disagree with me- like I already said. So fine, we disagree, Now let’s drop it.

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Seriously, make fun of you. I don’t know who you are. I’m supposed to know you’re some kind of dev. Well that’s great! But do you work for System Reaction? Are you a dev for them? You work for one company that operates one way, that doesn’t mean that they all have to adhere to the same operation. My understanding may be a bit limited, but I’ve worked in IT for over 18 years. I’m A+, MCP, and MCSE certified. I know a few things when it comes to the technical world so it’s not just video games. I worked for a prestigious insurance company for 14 years. So with things like HIPAA compliance I understand maybe a little too well what it means to share only what is needed.

Please keep in mind that my comments are not to attack you in any way. But only to ask, not just you, but all of us, to keep in mind we want to respect all in this forum. That with tact and respect we can not only share our views and feelings, but also keep peace.

:smile: :+1:

While I’m not exactly convinced about the daily procedural missions, that’s a good post overall. I naturally like the idea of the island north of Himfjall, but the underground railway- I wish that I’d thought of that…

Can we agree to let the not-attacking each other be now?

I’m afraid that a mod could get the Idea to clean Up the topic by removing all unrelated posts where you all didn’t attack others.

Let’s stay on the topic now, ok?


I 100% agree. And in fact if I caused any issues I apologize and my comments can be removed.

In fact I really want to commend the comment of Sgt_Saunders.

:smile: :+1:

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No apologies necessary. I believe that we agree that we both feel strongly about the game and want to succeed. :+1:

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Completely agree! In fact, I’m glad to see someone passionate as well!

Keep up the fight against those machines! :smile: :+1:

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