Please give players what they want - listen to the community!

I remember this poll from 2023, credit to @ ProCaptainAJ

Based on this informal poll, 70% want New Islands/New Story.
Players are not requesting new weapons, skins, etc.

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so many people are deleting uninstalling leaving the game due to lack of story and missions ā€¦plot no new areas do the devs know this im sure and if too many people dont play vetrans give up the game will slowly die and i dont want that so why dont they try to give us some new land some new plots stories etc but i mean its still fun just very repetative i can own stock in all the pink and gold and exp. weapons i have i can play it blindfolded i know each city town bunker area by heart ive explored them countless times so thats why a new area would be sooooo awesome . I just know lots and lots are refusing to play and are uninstalling it thats concerning to me should be for the devs too

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Yes, we want new islands, thats true, but in what world do you live?
These days games suck and are super buggy at launch, dlc and microtransactions are like a cancer and we have a lot of disapointments.
What game still has updates after 5 years? I tell you, only those Big MP games, and almost half of the gaming comunity dont even like them, the other half just plays and buys anything it goes their way, they even buy games at launch at full price, most of them are not even worth it.
Thats how things are.

Then we have a few games , mostly only on PC from indie developers, that keep making updates through many years.
We happen to be lucky we have updates, yes we dont have new areas and actual new enemies to fight, but i guess we cant have everything.

But DEVS, if by any chance you make an Island DLC go for it!

PS: Yes, there are a few good games still coming out and a few with updates every year but in a General way what I said is correct.


I would gladly pay $20 for a real DLC like Alpine Unrest or even more $ if there were a full island [or 3 of the remaining islands] of missions and content. It would add 30% more real estate to explore to the existing game.
Iā€™m sure plenty of others feel this same way.


They are constantly working on this game. I can say that for a fact and Iā€™m not even a dev. But I will say, that for as much as it helps to know that others are interested in wanting more that keeps them wanting to keep making more (or so I would figure). But when some start speaking as though its not enough and/or trashing their current efforts, that would be belittling or taking them for granted. Zesiir pointed out (I hope heā€™s ok in my mentioning him) in another post, that the devā€™s are working hard to provide all the content we want. In fact, in my opinion, a forum like this is exactly needed so they can hear what people are interested in.

I would just be careful to never discourage them. Donā€™t feel that theyā€™re not listening, but know that theyā€™re doing what they can with what resources they have.

Keep up the fight! :smile: :+1:


Rest assured, the devs are well aware that many want to see island expansion. Me included.
Iā€™m sure they want to see it as well. Itā€™s just a question of time and resources. Rather they
work on what they can do, than do nothing. A huge expansion DLC is not within the scopes for now.

Myself, I canā€™t believe how much the game has grown since launch.

@Vynym makes a very good point. If you want to be heard, the forum is the place for it.
Or the GZ Discord, if active discussion is more your thing :slight_smile:


This is the height of irony. I just had a thread closed on me by (I assume) a moderator who accused me of claiming to speak ā€œā€¦on behalf of the communityā€- when I had actually stated that I spoke for a majority of the community. Then this poll is dug up.

Granted- this poll almost certainly doesnā€™t include a response from every player. That said, it speaks volumes for what many players want. In this case, it states what a majority of the players ā€˜who cared to respondā€™ want. Many thanks, cjthedj.

What game still has updates after 5 years? Well for a tip of the iceberg, Fallout 76 was released 7 years ago and is still being updated. Fallout 4 was released 9 years ago and is still being updated.

There are clearly a large number of players who would pay to receive a REAL DLC with new areas for exploration and new storyline content. GZ has great potential- which needs to be developed.

What part of ā€œexceptionsā€ you dont understand?

There is also No mans sky and some indie PC games
These are exceptions and they are a lot more Popular than GZ, so everything i said is still true.
In no part i stated i do not want bigger updates, im just being realistic and not naive.

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You asked. I answered. I could have named many more- many more. But from where I sit, I could not possibly have named enough for your taste. If you donā€™t want to agree, fine. For what itā€™s worth, I donā€™t agree with you either.

Give it a rest. The thread was closed because the update was about to hit, and it had veered off-topic.

And you know well enough what I meant. I suggest you move on, thereā€™s really no point in arguing
this matter. The situation regarding DLCā€™s is what it is.


My friend, you claimed that I was doing something which I was manifestly not. That said, fine- Iā€™ve made my point. Hopefully, this thread will spur development of the game. Iā€™ll reiterate that Iā€™d gladly pay good money for just one of those islands and some storyline. But for now, Iā€™ll look at these new additions to the game. While Iā€™m at it, many thanks (sincerely) to the devs for releasing this.

No one is saying the developers are not listening. Itā€™s about why the developers are left with these limited resources. ā€œIt is what it isā€ is pragmatic, but not a good explanation.

Itā€™s not just about DLC that expands the content. Itā€™s also about the existing content and story simply being left open. There are too many loose ends and more are added with every update. Itā€™s about not communicating why this is being left open - neither in the game nor in the official discourse.

Letā€™s take the current update as an example: The mechanics for the bosses are being changed. The game gives no information about this. It was neither pointed out nor explained in the game how the boss is now summoned.

This is unfair behaviour towards players who are not active in the forum or on the DC, or simply thoughtless if it is not a bug. The communication is not well solved. My view.

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I partly agree with you.
On one hand itā€™s a game like games usually have been long time ago. Not everything is explained and you have to experience it, learn it by playing the game.
Thatā€™s very nice, as there are many mysteries and unknowns from which the atmosphere benefits.

Some of these elements already have been changed for example with all the new or changed archipelago missions until the building blocks mission.

On the other hand I could also agree with a lack of information on many regarding the game. Additionally I donā€™t understand many descitions regarding the games design which changed a lot by all the updates.

Some parts of the game just donā€™t make real sense any more. Yes, itā€™s an evolving worldā€¦ And those of us who played from the early days on experienced the evolution and all the revamps of the world. But for those who started much later, the mystery isnā€™t the same any more. Everything is just there. There is no Evolution in the game for them. Landfall update for example, which marked a very important key event, didnā€™t happen for newer players. Itā€™s simply just there as if it was always there. Playing the main story and the story dlcs can bring just more confusion instead of continuing the story, as the effects of later events instantly are present.

These key events and their changes in my eyes should have been locked behind some prerequesites, at least a certain story progress.

There is more I could complain about, like how (or how early) the DLC weapons, the companion, motorbikes are introduced/provided to the game, but that be too much for now.

Thatā€™s not correct.
If you start the game, you get the information about the update and a direct link to the patch log. Yes, not every single changed is explained there, but the key changes are.

I just took a look into the log screen with all tutorials to find more information, and this is where I agree with you. Here I would have expected much more information about how the tyrants now work. (But that counts for all other aspects of the game, too) Also I would have expected a note about new information in the tutorial section. (Just a small icon with ā€œNEWā€ on the tab, for example)

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Thank you for your detailed response.

On the one hand, itā€™s a game like games used to be a long time ago. Not everything is explained and you have to experience it, learn it through play.
This is very nice, because there are a lot of secrets and unknowns that add to the atmosphere.

I donā€™t see any contradiction there and I completely agree with you. Itā€™s still very well done. But all story threads unfortunately end in a cliffhanger and eventually in a series of grind mechanics. The latter is now normal and contemporary game development practice for co-op games - unfortunately.

Thatā€™s not correct.
If you start the game, you get the information about the update and a direct link to the patch log. Yes, not every single changed is explained there, but the key changes are.

Ok, the patch notes give rudimentary hints. However, you canā€™t assume that many players will read them. My sweetheart plays GZ on the XBox and hasnā€™t read the patch notes. She was ingame just like me (Steam, about 800 hours) a bit perplexed about how to trigger the vulture. I read the patch notes later and only learned via DC how many ā€œGeological Pointsā€ are necessary to trigger the event in a Class 3 base of FNIX. In the game, no hints are given. And no, I donā€™t find that exciting. That was rather a disappointing experience.

The reference to external patch notes doesnā€™t convince me. I stand by my view that the communication is not well solved.


Ok, from where I sit, I see a company that is trying to meet the demands of what people are asking, but have some limitations to accomplish what they need at the drop of a hat. And that should be okā€¦

Say you started a company and had people liking your product, it took you a couple of years to work out the kinks before you even released the final version. It released, people like it, but immediately they have issues and start hitting you with fix this or improve that. You may have a handful of people capable of handling the demands, now would you want to meet those demands?

If people showed they liked it and now your job relies and people buying it, would you do your best to improve it or fix it as need be? Would you be quick to release information about why its taking a bit - possibly discouraging your base because it could stifle their zeal? Iā€™m betting to keep interest as well as to keep your employees protected, you wouldnā€™t be so quick to release any information. Only whatā€™s needed all the while trying to respect all parties.

You, ā€œMy Friend,ā€ have done nothing to pat yourself on the back for. LOL! You didnā€™t spur anything but emotions by attacking (I use that term loosely) others and thatā€™s for them giving you an explanation. (Just an explanation that you deem as not enough.) You may have meant well, but as an objective party, I have to say Zesiir put it best ā€¦

You voice questions and concerns in a forum and then take the answers given and hope for the best! Thereā€™s no need for being aggressive and taking offense because you didnā€™t hear exactly what you wanted. You want more missions, new areas to explore, guess what ā€¦ who doesnā€™t?! But all games have the same issue. Once beaten, what do you do? Iā€™ve played and beaten so many games in my time and while I wanted more, I didnā€™t chase people down in forums to talk down about it and then give myself a badge because what I said ā€œspurnedā€ them. :roll_eyes:

You think this proved anything? Fallout had 4 (including New Vegas) prior games before 4 came out. Itā€™s made by a company thatā€™s made a lot of successful games (besides the Fallout line) and has the pockets and resources to keep making those updates. At least these guys are still wanting to keep working on it. So many games of late have completely dropped their service Marvels Avengers and Red Dead 2 just to name a couple.

Iā€™m no dev but Iā€™m passionate about this community. They said in their live stream yesterday, they are aware of what people are asking for and that they have a lot they are working on. Of course they canā€™t release anything yet as they need more time thatā€™s just how it is.

While opinions are welcomed, Iā€™d say respect is a must! Comparing GZ to any other game is not respectful because it, in my own opinion, is in a class of its own. It has been completely unique to me.

So please donā€™t take anything Iā€™ve said as hateful. Iā€™m only asking that we show each other respect.
:smile: :+1:


Are you trying to make fun of me? Precisely because itā€™s a great community and a great game that we want to play for a long time to come, difficulties should be communicated more openly.

Iā€™m a software developer (Senior) myself and I can roughly imagine whatā€™s going on, why itā€™s going on and thatā€™s exactly why Iā€™m asking why communication isnā€™t being handled well.

My boss always finds that difficult too, but I always have to explain to him that itā€™s a matter of respect for current and potential customers - in this case, the players. And yes, I still work at the company precisely because I get to the heart of the matter.

Your understanding is a bit exaggerated in my eyes. Of course, this is not a front against you, but just my point of view.

:smile: :+1:

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You should have actually read what I typed before you got yourself into an uproar. I didnā€™t attack a single person. I called the same things that weā€™ve been getting ā€œjunkā€- and I stand by that. Iā€™m NOT attacking any of the team or what they are capable of. Iā€™m attacking what we have been getting- and thereā€™s a BIG difference between the two. Iā€™ve supported this game just like you for years now and have purchased almost every pack that theyā€™ve released- including some that I wasnā€™t too keen on, because I wanted to support this company. I have no doubt that the developers try- HARD- to develop this game but have many issues to deal with that we on the forums never hear about. That said, Iā€™m tired of us getting the same things, when many players are wanting something else. The OP in this very thread is proof positive of that. Iā€™ve said many times that this game is not some run- of- the- mill product and has truly epic potential. But that potential needs to be realized- and itā€™s not going to be when the same tired add- ons get released.

As far as my Fallout post is concerned, you asked what games were being updated after 5 years. I just answered your question and showed that some are being updated. Now you want to attach caveats that you didnā€™t include in your original question that change its entire meaning. Iā€™m aware of them- but thatā€™s not what you asked. From where I sit, your post was you indirectly saying that we should be thankful that weā€™re getting anything at all- and I could NOT disagree with that more.

For the record, I donā€™t take anything that youā€™ve said as hateful; sarcastic OTOH, sure, from your reference to ā€œmy friendā€ (which wasnā€™t even directed at you). No big, you said what you thought. But so did I. Zesiir has said to give this a rest. I did. Now you are restarting this. Drop it and let it go. I accept that we disagree. You need to do the same. What we can agree on is that we both feel strongly about this game and want it to be successful.

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Letā€™s talk more about the topic itself. IF the devs were to make another island DLC about the size of HimfjƤll, what would you folks like to see on it, content wise? More elements like on the main island, or more unique features?

Other than more story elements, I would not be against seeing more endgame stuff.


Yeah, more procedual missions (daily) that give us a task to do if we already did everything else.

There are also other aspects that could be improved to even give us a better experience when starting a new game. I often talked about that some updates with big changes / revamps to the world should or could be locked behind a certain story progress.

Those key events like the story dlcs for example, but more important the Landfall.

But I must admit that I donā€™t really believe that this will ever happen.

A new region like HimfjƤl, for example on the Island north of HimfjƤl, should give us something that we didnā€™t See in the other regions (in this extent).

A city with bigger houses for example, a greater civilian airfield, maybe new machines, new vehicles (or letā€™s say a new way for transportationā€¦ Underground railway that can be used for example) or more signs of the Iron church, maybe even npcs with story missions for or against them.

Or what about soviet bases?

There could also be some keys that can open some previously locked doors and therefore more locations on ƶstertƶrn.

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