Please...................Remove non weapons items from the weapon wheel

I can’t understand why you are leaving it like this. Please allow weapons to be cycled with the mouse wheel and the rest can and should be cycled from the KB. There are sooooo many times when I am in combat and I need to switch weapons and I end up cycling through a bunch of things I don’t need. Sometimes this causes me to die. Please fix this.

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I wish the wheel would behave properly and stop where its supposed to. I wish the images in it didn’t go blank and take their time showing up. But I personally do use all the stuff that pops up. I’d be sad if I lost access to them and only had the weapons there. I don’t know if a toggle would make sense.

Probably, but considering how long it took for the language selector to be saved, or for windowed mode to stick reliably, or for “private session” to do anything at all, that would probably take a while. :confused:

Oh we both know the outcome, I’m just trying some positive sounding sprinkles.

I can really recommend to use the number keys for weapon selection. It is much more direct and not so error prone and does take only a little practice.

Then you could have the mouse wheel only for utility. Would be great.

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Platform: PC and other consoles for that matter.

Could we get to binds to cycle between weapons, Main, second and Pistol. With that we could assign the side mouse buttons to cycle through weapons and not use scroll wheel that you can´t change today.

Same feature request topics merged.
