Please stop doing this

I understand that you want to cast some atmosphere into exploring the various parts of the game.
I understand that lighting is an important part of that. But this… this is silly.

This image is the inside of the Uttern Command Bunker’s man war room AFTER the power has been restored. It is almost completely in the dark. Are you suggesting the military was all running around in the dark in here? Where are the lights? There is one small segment on the left side of the room that looks like someone was about to add in a roof to the room, forgot about it or changed their minds, then just left the one segment there. Why?

Please fix this. Not only on some of these underground areas, but ALL of them. If the lights are out, then fine, it’s dark and the lights are out. But if this place is in ANY WAY REALISTIC, it would not be this dark with the power turned on. Not even HALF this dark. even with all these monitors and screens lit this brightly it wouldn’t be this dark in the room. Please fix it so that these areas have adequate light to serve the function they are meant to serve. At least once any danger is past.

Maybe the lights are broken although power is turned on?

Maybe it’s meant to use nv inside there?

Who knows…

Do any of those funny glasses work here? You know, the one with the mustache and black and white or sepia vision…

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