[POLL] Best and Worst DLC

I need some “research” done for a future project, So i’m asking y’all to vote on these 2 polls, First one is about what you think is the best dlc in the game and the second one is about what you think is the worst dlc in the game. (this is only counting paid dlc btw)

What do you think is the best dlc in GZ?
  • Schweet vanity pack
  • Alpine Unrest
  • Fnix Rising
  • USWP
  • Soviet WP
  • Base Defence Pack
  • USWP 2
  • Base Support Pack
  • Resistance WP
  • Tactical Equipment Pack
  • Motorbikes Pack
  • Camo Weapon Skins Pack

0 voters

What do you think is the worst dlc in GZ?
  • Schweet vanity pack
  • Alpine Unrest
  • Fnix Rising
  • USWP
  • Soviet WP
  • Base Defence Pack
  • USWP 2
  • Base Support Pack
  • Resistance WP
  • Tactical Equipment Pack
  • Motorbikes Pack
  • Camo Weapon Skins Pack

0 voters

Thank you for voting!


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

… Just thought it might be modern to write that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Although some weapon packs and the tactical equipment pack or even the base building pack brought some cool stuff, Alpine Unrest brought the most content. A new isle, collectibles and new missions. In my eyes the best without any doubt.


Of course I picked Alpine Unrest for the best one. It’s still to this day a blast to play through the story and explore the island, and it remains an important part of the game world that I always revisit every now and then. It feels like an actual expansion.

Though for the worst one, I chose FNIX Rising. I consider it way too short for a story DLC, and the writing isn’t really up to par with the main story or Alpine Unrest. While it did introduce some new mechanics and such, I remember feeling frustrated about how it felt like I had been rushed through the entire thing.

I should note though; I think all the DLC are good in their own way. I just expected more story from, well… A story-based DLC.


Alpine Unrest, no contest. I bought the game when this was the only paid DLC (next to the Schweet Vanity Pack). I decided to get all DLC except that one because I was afraid it’d bleed into the main game, so I waited until I finished the story (little did I know that all DLCs are integrated into the base game anyway).

I had a blast with the new island, the improved location design and the general atmosphere. In my opinion, that’s DLC done right. Additional content, new mechanics and stuff that improves on the base game.

I would never buy anything newer though. The post-FNIX-Rising map changes, the useless weapon packs etc just don’t expand the game in a meaningful and interesting way. I never ‘missed’ additional loot or base-building activities, so no need to spend money just ‘to support the devs’. I get that motion, but the persistent bugs that haven’t been fixed for years make me doubt the intentions behind newer game updates.


Yep, it’s fairly concerning how pushing out micropacks and skin packs has taken the priority of the developers.
As you said, there are major preformance problems and bugs that have been around since launch that have yet to be fixed or even acknowledged.
The state of the game itself, should always be priority over add ons and cosmetics.


Hopefully they adress them with the next update (next week). At least it was mentioned on the roadmap.

Right there is the key. FNIX Rising was ok, but so ridiculously short and nowhere near the same quality in terms of writing and story building. Alpine is the benchmark by which they should measure any future expansion.

While I appreciate what Dark Skies brought with the Firebirds, it was a letdown to have only 1 brief new mission. It introduces what could potentially be an awesome new story arc with new characters and then abruptly ends it and goes nowhere just as quickly as it started.

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Imagine a dlc with some missions like in fnix rising, a new faction like in landfall + dark skies update, and a new region like in alpine unrest.
That could have been a cool dlc. But instead most parts of it where free updates…
What remains is the new region. I’m still waiting and I think it already has been prepared, but I guess currently the focus is on other things:

Frequent updates / dlc

What would have been better? Frequent updates / dlc like we got them, or waiting about a year to get just one great update and a great dlc?

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Concerning the frequency of DLCs:

When I got GZ, I presumed the game was finished (no Early Access marker on Steam). So, as for my expectations: I hoped for (lots of) bug fixes, minor revamps to the regions and more variety in housing and infrastructure, especially in towns that had half a dozen pizza restaurants, bakeries and Kundsam retailers. Some streetlights, furnishings, little scenes that tell some stories (like in Fallout or Skyrim), maybe some more hidden caves with Resistance stashes etc.

The story would continue via DLCs like Alpine Unrest - new island, new NPCs, additional machines and maybe factions like the Russian army, as they were hinted at in the last main missions back then. I mean they had three islands left to populate, so why not. They threw a wrench in that by revamping the whole map to a post-DLC state for every player regardless of progress.

I’d been willing to pay 10-15 bucks for a well fleshed out story expansion, maybe once a year or so.

The weapon/cosmetic/bike DLCs: I personally don’t mind this kind of content per se, as I do like the variations in clothing, colors and items they offer in games. I also understand that a game with low player numbers needs to generate some perpetual income for future development. They bother me in this game because they get churned out at a rather brisk rate, with not much thought spent on how to integrate them in the story. They don’t feel like a labor of love, they feel like a cash grab.

I’d say release one or two small DLCs like that between the story DLCs and set them at maybe 3 bucks a pop. That’s be about 20 bucks a year per player, at least if they kept the quality at a level where people were OK with it.

I feel like Avalanche and their subsidiaries decided on a business model where they release an open world game like Just Cause, Hunter: Call of the Wild, Generation Zero etc and then, instead of polishing what’s already there, they just go for lots of DLC after a certain time. I can’t fault them for that, but I won’t support them by playing along either.

*edited for pricing


Have to agree with most of what you say there. With all the advertising and even the collectors edition I thought GZ was a finished product. Although it being bassically broken when I bought it didn’t help that at all. GZ in my opinion has had some seriously weird priorities in recent times.
Copy and paste map? Just add variation and make it look more reasonable, nah lets blow everything up instead. Wich is something I don’t actually mind in theory, however now we have this mish-mash world with zero forms of continuity regardless of story progression.

Would overcorrecting or overdoing it be the best way to describe it? We haven’t gotten a proper story DLC since 2019, just about 3 years ago. Yeah FNIX Rising is there but honestly it doesn’t do much to further the story other than tease more stuff. Had we gotten more story DLC’s like Alpine Unrest I’d be understanding of the paid packs. But paid packs are all we be getting now, do we really need that many?

Personally, I’d be willing to support the devs if they sold good products like Alpine Unrest.


Well.just a few bothered to vote so far,but it seems just logical that Alpine Unrest is on top
because its a true expansion of the game world. And now that motorbikes are roaring all
over the islands,it seems to be the right time for another one. I mean one can at least see
the streets on the north eastern islands…


I like all dlc . in the next dlc I would like WA2000 for 270 ammo , shotgun double barrel
and Winchester rifle for ammunition 44 , spas12 and desert eagle for ammunition 44.
American mortar M29 how far cry 2

Best: Alpine unrest for sure!

Worst: I did not vote for the worst since I dont have all DLCs.
But I also did not vote because I think it is hard to say that one is worst since they are adding totally different content.

Story DLC is really only a contest between Alpine and FNIX and there voting for best/worst is easy.

Weapon DLC is way harder to say, especially since I dont have the resistance pack and the east european pack.

Skins/clothing is not something I care so much about so I have no real opinion about this at all.

Base defense/support DLC is also something I dont care about because I dont think base assault or defense is any fun.

Motorbikes DLC I dont own it but I can see the point of it, but I cant vote since I dont know how well it is executed in game.

I liked the story DLCs but I disliked the alpine unrest map, it had some great locations but most of the terrain was nothing to cry home about. FNIX rising was OK but it didn’t have new guns or anything that actually changed the way I play, I do love GZ because of the incredibly satisfying core gameplay loop (combat), the story is a nice side-thing. I’ll probably keep buying DLC as long as the development is going in a good direction, I held off buying them when some of the less beloved features came out. I do hope we get a weapon handling/weight and ability rebalance at some point, because at the moment there are quite a lot of degenerate tactics that trivialize the game.

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Since I bought this game back in 2020 I was both a hunter and a seeker but as soon as the story ended and landfall came into play I went from Hunter to investigator I investigated the Russian presence and still to this day I continue to investigate it only took me and my friend 3 days to complete the Russian investigation and to figure out why they were there. No shock it was about taking control of Fnix. But that did not stop me I went and bought Alpine unrest and started my investigation of the Apocalypse class machines. I then went and bought Fnix rising and started doing the investigation of why he was there. All the while I kept thinking there’s something missing there’s a story that has not been told. During the main campaign a Russian says we understand what’s going on but I did not get any information about the UN . Now I’m wondering if the UN will ever step in or the good old USA but either way I cannot wait for the new class of machines to come in both from the UN or the USA. But I have to agree with everyone that Alpine was by far the best DLC that I had bought the weapon packs do I have every single one except for the Eastern Europe. been instrumental and defeating reapers, tanks of all classes, rivals, harvesters of all classes, hunters of all classes and runners of all classes