Poll: Preferred vision mod & ammo type

Well I always use OPV-Thermal, and use both" prefered vision" so I see it as an option to the “question”.
Just a missing one from the Poll.
And as Aesyle i can not vote, or at least I choose not to , because i feel it does not make the statistics data correct.

To add to that: Tech View does give yellow outline around the machine if you have clear line of sight to it. Tech View is also used to mark enemies, with red outline, if you have Enemy Marking skill unlocked. However, one doesn’t need to have Spotting Intel skill to use Enemy Marking in Tech View.

Also, guys, lets not argue over how complete or incomplete the poll is. It was pointed out that the poll could’ve been better by including all vision modules and having multiple choice. That’s something to keep in mind when creating future polls.

Moreover, I was the one, who wrote “preferred” in the topic title since original title didn’t say nothing about what kind of poll it is; and i corrected the topic title before anyone replied in it. So, you guys can look towards me for using the “preferred” word in the topic title.



Thermal is the best, you can see enemies clearly from basically any distance as long as they are rendered in. In terms of ammo, I tend to use hollow point and full metal jacket.

I don’t use any other sniper/rifle besides my good old exp pvg :laughing:

But do u use vision mods?

Ammo: I use all of it. Hoard, choke on overencumbrance, but still use it all. Just needs to adjust playstyle, when dealing with thick-armored units. Still, the preference is scale “first-last” -> “HP/SP - FMJ - AP”.
Special mention goes for shotgun - slugs for “varminting” and breaking tiny components/Tank’s joints from front, buck is all-rounder, bird is either saved up for exp. flechete or used in cqc.

Sight: IR and OPV mostly in dim-light conditions and quick check on weak spots. Former for range and fast target detection, latter for cover-rich envonment, ridges/hills and thick foliage.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Casual chat discussions

I have one of the triple vision mods on my pvg, and the tech view skill on my binoculars. I mainly use the thermal vision, because it seems to be the most useful.

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A PVG90 loaded with AP ammo can destroy in one shoot the leg armor of tanks and harvesters, while FMJ ammo takes 2 to 3 shoots*. It’s save ammo.

*results may vary according to selected skills and difficulty.

I use mostly the thermal vision module, and that’s for the binoculars. I tend not to use them on scopes, they cover too much of my view. But that’s balance by design, I think, so it’s understandable.

I won’t go through all the ammo types I use, but I tend to use FMJ for the machineguns a lot since it’s so common, and it’s hard to run out of it during combat. Save the AP for bigger baddies like Rivals and the Reaper.


That may well be, but I mainly play the May 2020 version of the game which lacks the ‘ammo switch’ button, so I’d have to open the menu, change the ammo type, fire a few shots, then change it again…
The AP ammo is great against the big ones, and I usually have enough of both kinds to clean out a platoon before I need to restock, so it’s not much of an issue.