Poll: Preferred vision mod & ammo type

Hi again yall my first two polls went so well I thought y’all might enjoy another one. Today I wanted to see which of the vision modes yall use most frequently (Up to 2 Choices). Also want to see which ammo types you prefer (per gun).

Vision Modes

  • Low Light
  • Thermal
  • Object Penetrating
  • Spotting Intel (Tech Tree Skill)

0 voters

Ammo Types (Also I know each ammo type is more effective at a certain task but I personally don’t take the time to swap back and forth so pick the one you use more :grin:)

.32 ACP(Moller)

  • Hollow Point
  • Full Metal Jacket

0 voters


  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters


  • Hollow Point
  • Full Metal Jacket

0 voters


  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters


  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters

5.56(KVM 89)

  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters


  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters

7.62(KVM 59)

  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters


  • Soft Point
  • Full Metal Jacket

0 voters


  • Soft Point
  • Full Metal Jacket

0 voters

.50BMG(Pansarvärnsgevär 90)

  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Armor Piercing

0 voters


  • Birdshot
  • Buckshot
  • Slug

0 voters

With vision mods, i use three all the time: IR, OPV and Tech View. So, i can’t cast my vote on that poll. (Max 2 choices.)

And for ammo types, there are three categories where i use both variants: 9mm pistol, 7.62mm and .50 cal. So, my votes in these three aren’t accurate since only one option was pickable.

For the visions mods, I personally think they are useless in every scenario.

IR is quite useful when shooting machines that are behind dense vegetation.

I haven’t voted on that, because I use FMJ in AG5 and AP in KVM89.

As above - I use FMJ in X-AG4 and AP in X-KVM59

The other 3 besides thermal I agree with @megatron5634 and @Aesyle I use both of most ammo types too but if you had to choose on type to use for the rest of the game what would it be and you really use all vision modes an equal amount? Surely there is one or 2 you use more.

My apologies it didn’t cross my mind that each gun would have different uses I will edit. You are good to go👍🏼

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Here, you can not expect that all players have to use only one or two at a time and no more. I use three vision modes on daily basis and depending on situation.

It’s like when you say: “There are only 2 main weapon slots in the game and surely, there are only two weapons you’ll use?”. Well, No. My 1st char has 5 main weapons that i use depending on situation.

For most accurate poll results, all polls should be with multiple choices and up to with as many choices as there is per poll. E.g when people use both versions of 7.62mm (e.g FMJ in KVM59 and AP in AG4), they can choose both ammo types.

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The pump action (since its exp.) has Birdshot and the Sjöqvist uses Slug with my chars.

@Wolf_Spirit07 Could you add Full vision, and thermal and OPV at the same time to the Poll?
Take in consideration What Aesyle said, I use 5 weapons at the same time and various types of ammo.
She has a point.

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I have a question, how can anyone use Slug ammo type?

Thermal vision is essential in detecting enemies at medium and long distances through binoculars and scopes.
OPV is useful when enemies are behind cover or obstacles and you don´t know where they are.
Night vision is useless because it´s not realistic and does not improve vision during the night.


I think they are very useful to look around a large area without using binoculars (ir is my favourite). Also x ray is useful if you are stuck behind a wall.

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Also please can someone explain what spotting is?

I’m mainly a AG4/Ai-76 and PVG90 user, and I only got a thermal scope on my PVG; the ARs get the red dot scope. My binocs have the triple visor + tech view skill, so I can spot and track enemies, most of the time while out of combat.
Ammo-wise, I usually just use what I find, but I tend not to switch during combat, so I stack one kind of ammo until I got a decent amount while using the rarer type (to unclutter my inventory).
I use birdshot for my exp shotty tho - everything else seems ineffective.

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Doesn’t the word “preferred” indicate to choose the one vision-mod or the one ammo type you prefer in most cases? I read it like that.


You can use 2 at the same time, or 3 with the full vision set.
Those are also options.
The author just did not remember there are more ways to use them.
The same with the weapons.

At the same time? So you can turn on IR and Tech view at the same time. How?

You know what I meant.
There are people who only use Thermal and that´s it.
Then there are people who use Double Vision modules, they exist you know?
And then there are people who use Triple vision modules.
So it makes sense what i´m saying.
The double and triple vision modules are a singular option.
Never said anything about Tech view which is not even a real vision mod, it´s a “perk”
There are various vision modules:

  • Thermal
  • Night vision
  • OPV
  • Full vision
    and then the combinations:
  • OPV-NV

Tech view aka spotting is a skill you get on the skill tree which allows you to highlight enemies there is also 2 other skill giving you an analysis of the machine it’s distance and difficulty. (If you have the machines blueprint it shows you weakspots and components)

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Now I do. Maybe @Wolf_Spirit07 meant what preferred vision we like when using a vision module.

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