POLL Tenebrisinfinite or Wired Gaming

Someone has to settle this. :joy:

  • Tenebrisinfinite
  • WiredGaming

0 voters

Hey to have the poll work you have to space it from words or emojis

Fixed the poll.

Do note that most text format tags, including polls, needs to be on the new line, separate from the written text.


I like both. Both of them are great content creators for this game. But I watch Tenebris more.


There is option missing, “none”.
As the vote amount is not fixed, and result will be biased based just who votes.

But as in fun purposes, it works.

I gave a vote to WiredGaming because this poor fella had only one vote :sweat_smile:

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They are both good, let that be said! :blush: I had to vote for @tene, because I’ve watched him most, and I’ve had some good talks with him, back when he was active on this forum. :wink:

Poll7: I like both, but I really like that “My dudes” style, so I chose Tenebrisinfinite

I chose Tene but both of them are brilliant

Each have their own take on the game that’s absolutely clear, and fair to say during the FNIX Rising early gameplay - approaches were very different.

Tene has time served in GZ

Voted for Wired, because he seems actually wholesome and solid. Tene was cool, but personally haven’t had a good impression

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Ok, I am going to close the poll now.

With poll closed, the topic has served it’s purpose and i’ll lock the topic too.
