Possible April Fools Joke Update (?)

The GZ Twitter has announced that the Dala Destroyer and Semla Seeker machines will be added to the game tomorrow, April 1.

Obviously this is a joke, but the wording makes me think that there might actually be some sort of not-exactly-serious April Fools update tomorrow. Is there any precedent for that happening in previous years?

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We have again asked for new machines.
So, they are giving them to us.

PS: No, it never happened before, i´m sure we will have a new update tomorrow.

Maybe they will fix the existing issues? Game crash, schematic not able to be picked up… that would be nice

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This is obviously a joke.

Give me the seeker bun :joy::+1:

Bro, imagine just eating the seeker out of the sky. I’m good with it.

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Well, looks like I was sort of right:

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