Possible FPS Drop Fix?!

Hey fellas, just wanted to share something I found last night. In case you didn’t know, the game has a “field of view” setting, and when I started it was set at the closest setting, being 50. After attempting to enter Himarvet last night, the Frame drop legitimately put the game in slow motion. I got frustrated and started going through my settings and made an awesome discovery. It you set the FOV meter all the way back, it pulls your vision back slightly but after I did so, I entered Himarvet with no frame dropping! It was just as fast as being alone in a less detailed area and the game ran super smooth all the way through the town and two separate combat encounters. If you’re having issues with frame drop and you’re getting frustrated with fighting in slow motion (Damn I know I was) I would highly recommend playing around with your FOV setting. It really did improve the quality of my gaming experience. Cheers Mates!

Edit: Playing on Xbox One S with the DLC

A higher FoV usually costs more performance, putting more demand on the hardware.

BUT it could lead to lower FPS and put less strain on the CPU which might lead to fewer hickups as there always is enough time to prepare the next frame.

Depeneds on your hardware, though.

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My fault should have specified I’m on Xbox one. I’m gonna edit that real quick. I know what you’re saying though I had that thought when I was turning it up but I said “ah **** it let’s just see how this plays out”. It worked out really well for me

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So are you saying put the Fov up to 80 max setting?

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I only get drop rate when there is more than 15 bots on the screen and I’m running on the xbox x

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I get it walking into a large town, there doesn’t even have to be any enemies. Whenever I go into the town of Ostervik I get immediate drop, as soon as I move into a new area the game picks back up again. It has to be the game because I’m not online and to be honest I didn’t understand what frame dropping really was until I started playing this. What I’m saying is I set it to the max(80) and it improved my game. Experiences may vary but this was mine

Im assuming this is because it’s hard for my system to constantly render so making it render more up front smooths it out as a whole. That’s just my opinion though

Will try at 80 and see if it makes a difference for me cheers man👍

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@Hardcorewolf7 I hope it helps!

Just got out of a massive battle seems to work at Fov 80 and no lag or frame drop.

Cheers buddy

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@Hardcorewolf7 thanks for the feedback man, think we found a solid lag fix for the Xbox users! Have fun fellas I hope it works for everyone else too, its doing me wonders!