PS4 Invalid Version

I’m trying to play on ps4 with my friend however when either of us try to connect to the other the one trying to connect gets “Invalid version, The multiplayer session that you attempted to connect to is running a different version of the game than you.”

we both have the same dlc (with the exception of the Schweet vanity pack) which I have but my friend does not.

I live in Europe and my friend is in America.

Please can you fix or post a way to allow us to play together (which was the whole point of us getting the game)

many thanks.

Please take a look at yor game versions (lower right corner when loading the game)

Do you both have all updates installed?

Both of us have latest updates but those numbers are different

After todays Update it should be v2222273.

Thanks for the responses. after the update we are both on same version.

hi guys i have the same issue but on steam, both brother and i have same number but anytime i go over and get into a fight i get that message


This is an old topic, but yes, this issue is new again since the latest update.
Happens due to the new companion.

I thought, it should have been solved by the recent hotfix for steam.
@Zesiir Doesn’t it? (although this topic is about ps4, he uses steam)

hi matey yeah i know it’s an old post but i’d rather add it here then create a new one when somthing similar is already a topic so thought i’d just renew it with the same issue

The mods here prefer a new topic instead of reviving such an old one.

If there is a general issue that has recently brought up at least a new topic, it’s ok to join this. Similar posts in general will be merged by the mods.

At least you used the search to find similar reports about your issue instead of just posting a new one :wink: :+1:

yeah i did search like i do most of the time, somtimes i ca find somthing somtimes i can’t, depends on what they call the issue, but atleast everyone knows that steam also has this issue

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The hotfix didnt fix anything, people will still get disconnected and crashed from the companion in MP.