Hold on…you need to sign up to an account system to play a game you paid good money for? I suppose I’m fine because I already made one long ago, but for new customers this may be frustrating.
You shouldn’t have to sign on to anything to use a product you already purchased.
If most people had the patience to read through that overly complicated and quite demanding EULA they would probably be turned away as well.
This is an actual moment
I can understand why they removed the option.
The game has evolved. There are now the daily assignments as additional online service. Apex connect is needed as interface for the assignments. And for using this service with this interface there are additional terms of service to accept.
That’s usual.
Exactly. Using them.
Now you need a “limited account” even if you do not use the assignments.
@Avalanche_Pontus If that is the case, then I will no longer be playing this game.
I am not going to make any account or accept any limited account.
However; I did buy this game, so I can no longer play it.
I also bought the 2nd US Weapons Pack last week.
That is a problem you guys might want to get sorted out…
I want to play the game and not go asking for any refunds i’m now elligable for.
@SR_Carni Screenshot attached
Game companies never should need any info or anything from anyone.
Especially not if it was not needed before.
Last week I could play without any problem and now all of a sudden I must have some sort of an account or else I cannot play something I paid for.
That is not the right way to go.
The game did not “evolve” in any way shape or form, the company did.
The people behind it it. Not the game.
But you have to reckon with that if you buy and play a online multiplayer game.
Like I said many times:
it’s a online-coop game with the possibility to play alone. Not a singleplayer game with an optional multiplayer mode.
And it offers an evolving world and live online services as many other online games you have to agree similar terms of service for… And have to have some kind of online id/account for. Many great publisher force you to register with at least a mail-account, some additionally have a “always on” requirement.
Just because it wasn’t usual / it was optional for gz before, why is that now a problem?
I understand complaints against gran turismo and its “always on” politics even if you just play singeplayer races.
But the greatest problems aren’t the games or services themselves, but we players who expect just to play a game. But the games aren’t just games in many cases.
Times changed.
We would know if we would read all the text that is delivered with games, the eula and so on. But I would guess that most of us (me too) don’t do this. Most of us just want to play and don’t want to read. We accept almost everything just to be able to press “start game” as soon as possible.
Times changed. Games changed. But we players didn’t.
I could continue writing more about games, services, players, expectations,… But I just want to say that you should stop complaining if you usually play games… and don’t read what you accept when you start playing any other game… or using other publishers services.
I hope you understand what I mean because english is not my primary language.
I do understand this very well.
But my point still stands.
It worked before, even online multiplayer without anything else then a (my) PS4 Account. Nothing else was required.
So the “Live Service” argument goes out of the window unless it means that this game(company) seeks monetization purposes in the future for example.
Such a thing should have been communicated before it was implemented.
Players should all have been informed in advance that it would be mandatory to have an Apex account in order to play - and exactly explained WHY we need such an account.
And even then I still call it a load of BS.
Further on; most if not all of those so-called EULA’s are complete and total nonsense made up only to abide a few laws. Everyone and their dog clicks through it and game companies know this.
So that argument is invalid as well.
I never needed an Apex Account, everything worked fine before and all of a sudden it does not anymore.
No reasons given, no warnings as far as I could find in any patch notes.
And I am in no way - ever - required to state any reason why I am unwilling to make an account. Because it is absolutely nobody’s business.
I paid for this game and the DLCs, and now I want to play this game.
And suddenly I can no longer do so.
That is what it comes down to.
If it worked before they absolutely positively do not need any of my information, not even my emailadress now in order to “make it work” somehow.
So don’t call me a complainer for not wanting to go along with you in “just simply accept the EULA and any other terms, make an account for no reason at all” just in order to play.
That argument also will not work. Any any sane person should see the/my point i’m trying to make.
I can only seeing this requirement driving people away.
I’ll have to look more into what the “limited account” is.
Afaik, it is not just a simple acceptance of some new TOS. Otherwise it would be said as that.
Either way, this game (and others with the same mechanics) have worked perfectly fine without needing a account further than the one used by the launcher or console.
I’d say the same thing about this requirement for assignments alone, but now it is supposedly the whole game.
The idea that it is not a solo game with mp but an mp with solo is just a nonsense phrase. One that does not support the idea of a new required account.
Wouldn’t just changing the whole TOS of the game be easier as people would agree to that more easily than creating a limited account?
I don’t know.
I think, because it (the assignments) maybe is a secured webservice which runs on a different server, you need some kind of unique id for this system.
This will be generated by accepting the creation of a (at least) limited account.
For creating this account for using this service on a seperate server (if it is down you should still be able to play the game) you need to agree seperate terms of use.
In my eyes it’s logical.
Changing the TOS does not change anything at all.
It will only “hide the crime” behind a wall of sort-of legal text.
And with that, the fact of the matter will still stand.
No matter the reason behind it fore or against it.
Suddenly something that was not required before, is now mandatory with no option to skip (anymore).
Thus locking people like me out from a game (and possible DLC) they paid money for and were perfectly capable of playing before.
And this with no reason or explanation given at all.
Updating the TOS does not change that.
And just as a sidenote, this following YT video is what every game developer/designer should watch and take notes from.
Textbook gamedesign 101 on identifying “Quit Moments” :
A tiny little indie studio shouldn’t need any account system, that’s for the big AAA games who make ludicrous amounts of money via harvesting data on top of the overpriced games and DLC themselves.
If we could get a response from a developer on this issue and not a PR guy or Forum Admin that would be great.
I agree with you all, that this change had to be comunicated at least with the announcement of the update.
You request for a response now. Or a possible reason.
But first: what should a developer could answer to you that you’re satisfied with? That’s not a developers decision.
And second… Even if there would be a response, would you really read it? Would you really think about it? Or would you just stop flaming if everything you don’t like will be turned back?
Btw there already was a response:
I personally don’t mind about that change. I even didn’t know about it until this topic was opened. I think it’s because I already had an apex connect account connected to my player id. And why did I do that? Because I wanted to experience every single aspect of this loved game and I was fine with accepting the associated terms of use.
Ok, your situation seems to be different…
Argh… I’ve just written more than I wanted to and if I don’t stop now I don’t know where it ends. And my english isn’t good enough to say what I at the end want to say.
We don’t have to have the same opinions but we all should try not just to complain or to flame but should try to think more about the other point(s) of view.
The reason for a not satisfying situation isn’t always someone elses fault… If it even can be called “fault”.
I read everything. I even sat down for half an hour and read the EULA. Have you read the EULA? I doubt it.
No I didn’t.
I don’t mind it. (maybe the wrong words…but I trust the ones or want to trust the ones who developed and published the games I like to play)
And I didn’t say something else.