Ps4 multiplayer bug

I play on ps4 and am unable to join multiplayer sessions or join my friends i was able to yesterday and now im not.

Having the same issue. Wonder if i can get a refund. Game is awesome but trash to many bugs to enjoy it

Havong the same issue. Also on ps4. Not sute why i am replying (it’s my first post post) but sending it anyways. Enjoying the game but please fix bugs :slight_smile:

Funny that me too its saying exit to menu and try again

Maybe the servers were down. I play online a little and have never had an issue. Ps4u

I’ve only had the game a couple of days, but I’m yet to be able to find a session to even connect to. I’ve only been able to play offline. Other games work fine for multiplayer, so I assumed there just weren’t many people online at the time? I really want to give multiplayer a go!