First all you need to have finished the base story. And at least level 25.
I filtered for FNIX locations to show you what FNIX base you need to get. To get those you need to start Killing machines until FNIX claims a control point that you haven’t claimed (the blue circles with a white bar become a red one like I showed on my map). You need to keep killing Machines ( but Not rivals) to get the FNIX base upto level three. When that happens you can attack that base, but only destroy the small red shield generators ( not the big redone). Once you destroyed all 4 generators a blue beam should shine up to the sky. Indicating where a small red round hatch is located. ( the beam goes away when you are close to it)
When you found that hatch open it and then the 1st mission will start.
It is best to get many of these Fnix Bases on the map first (at least four, all level 3), because you need more in the coming mission.
Looking at your objective screen, I see you’ve already spoken to Veronika. Next, you’ll need to level up your region, to get at least 5x level 3 (entrenched) FNIX bases to spawn in. At each FNIX base, you’ll need to destroy all 4 generators, then go down into the underground hatch to attach those devices on the “lower right side” of each server. Veronika will help you with 2 of them, so you’ll only need to attach 3, technically.
But if i understand i must to wait that my map level up … So kill rival and wait news base … (level 3) and underground acces ll spawn for my mission , exatly the same as the first mission for meet Veronica … ?
Basically it is the same as the first one you did, yes. Just start killing machines to get FNIX bases activated on you map, then keep killing machine tos make the Fnix bases level up up. Then get through the process of getting to the Fnix underground server and attach the hacking devices to it. Keep doing until all 5 hacking devices are placed ( two will be done by Veronika).
But not rivals. One here and there is ok, but don’t Just hunt them all down. Focus on normal machines.
Plan a route from south farmlands towards northern east end of the farmlands and walk along all the great spots… That should be enough.
If you are on PC make a copy of your game-save-file before you start each mission. That way you have always a backup save to replay those missions. You never know if something goes wrong, and you get stuck on a glitched mission.