Question about missions

Apologies if this is already asked elsewhere - feel free to link it to me, but I just wanted to double check something.

When I join my Dad’s game, I have all the missions we’ve picked up and all can be completed save one, Warboard - Sorken Bunker, which says “Only the host will have the mission progress saved.” - not really an issue, can just go into my own game and do it there.

The problem is then, when I go into my own game, all the missions I’ve picked up while in the other game are not there - is this supposed to be this way?

Forgot to mention, if we complete a mission in the same game and I go to my own game, the completed mission is there. This is why I’m a little confused

For now it seems to be that way. But I believe the progress is supposed to carry over to yours so you can continue those missions on your own. But I believe it’s a bug.

Ah, fair enough - there’s no progress transferring over to my own game. Not to worry

Just noticed another one, just picked up a second 3 crown Moller PP and the game’s hidden the original one from me with all attachments lol >.<