Random Interesting Idea I Had

This is a wild idea, but imagine a Generation Zero mod for something like Arma Reforger. Milsim meets machines basically. I think it would be really cool. I bring up Reforger as from what I know it’s based in the same kind of era, that being late cold war. Just a random idea


Your idea seems interesting but could you explain a bit more about it?

Mods aren’t allowed for Generation Zero yet.
So either you’re talking about an alternative game-mode like a new difficulty option or something else.

But what exactly should it do. I guess there are some more than just me who don’t know what reforger does.

It’s not really about a mod for GZ… More about the GZ setting as a mod for ArmA Reforger.

Would need some fit modders I guess and definitely some copyright negotiations with the devs… :man_shrugging:

Moved to Feedback/Feature Requests.

Mods aren’t supported yet, but an alternative game mode with more realistic mechanics is
something I think many have asked for. So it’s fair to request here.

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