Re-locked doors at Torsberga

So I’m doing the “Spiking the guns”-quest. PS4, single player.
After turning on the power, gathering the intel and interact with the computer to unlock the artillery section, the next step is to destroy the artillery. I did however shut the game off after saving at this point.
But then I start the game up I find all the doors re-locked. I know they did unlock in the first place, going inside before saving and shutting the game off.
I’ve tried shutting the power on and off again, nothing. The computer cannot be interacted with again.

So yeah, I’m locked out from the artillery section, and cannot complete the quest. :frowning:


I can’t remember who suggested this, but have you tried switching to a different character if you find that the door is locked? This has apparently worked for some people.

Also; there’s more than one door. Try the others, see if they’re open.

Alright, I’l try. …nope, the problem remains. :frowning:

And also, I’ve tried at least 3 different doors. All locked.

Update: After returning to Torsberga after completing a few other missions, I now found the doors unlocked. No idea what’s going on here.
Guess I can finish the quest now, but this is still something to look into in the next patch.