Really annoying bug on Xbox

I’ve bought the game yesterday (on Xbox) and whenever I press A to select the profile and to load into the game it just freezes then crashes and this is a game that im really interested in and spent 30 dollars to get it i have no clue if it’s a bug or just my Xbox but I have a series X that’s basically brand new

Hi and welcome,

I don’t know what you mean with “to select the profile”. Do you mean character selection? Can you add a screenshot of the moment where to press A and where it then freezes?

Yeah I’ve play the game before but that was few years ago on like a free play week I think.

but yeah I’ll press that then it’ll load then freezes and crashes

Oh, looks indeed different than on Playstation.

Ok, it’ll be an issue with your saved data.
You should get sure to delete (maybe, if possible, make a backup before) your savegame files and start the game again.

Probably due to all the changes of the last few years they old savegame file is broken.

If that worked, you could try to recover your savegame and see if it works again.

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I have no idea how to delete save files on Xbox

I found it never mind

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Your a life saver man thank you :pray:

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Seems to be solved and can be closed.

Glad to hear it worked out.

Closing report.
