Reaper Class Tick

I hove no clue to this idea.

Its basically a tick but more powerful as a reaper.

Never ending battery life

Small shield (under its armor)

Has a stinger like apoclypse tick

This will be like hell right?

Hell No! I hate ticks, I’m more afraid of them than I am of reapers. Reminds me of head crabs from half-life and face huggers from aliens. I’m sure that’s why this game has them sitting on corpses heads from time to time too.

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Yea I hate ticks as well. They are just annoying and I would rather have a fight with 10 runners then 2 ticks😂

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I lol’d. Gonna put this in #feedback-feature-requests, it’s definitely something we need :smile:



Yes tbh it would be pretty funny

I’m all in on this… but only if it would be the size of a Runner, with two fangs in front (like a spider) instead of one on a tail… and it could do jump attacks from 10-15m away :woozy_face:


I hate ticks…specially Apocalypse ticks…so having a steroid version out there… no no no…i prefer to face alone 5 tanks at the same time than having to face Reaper Tick :sweat_smile::rofl: .

There must be only one of these, and it chases the character across the map, attacking without warning (hit and run). Their howls can be heard occasionally, inside bunkers or loudly in the fields.

Stop giving them ideas! I have enough Tick/headcrab/facehugger nightmares as is! Someone in another post mentioned a drop ship depositing like 100 ticks at once. I instantly broke out in a sweat! Say it isn’t so!