Rebalancing of some weapons?

WIth all weapons available I realize more and more that some of the old ones we asked to get rebalanced is weak and we never really got one. It always been talk about .50 cal. and HEDP beeing weak and today doing a “Destroy 15 cars” mission I realized that it had reached a ridiculous level.

So to show that small arms need a rebalance I turn and ask you in the GZ community to participate in the collection of data. It’s a simple yet measurable measure of which weapons need more power and which ones have way too much.

I’m not asking for perfection and 100% realism but we deserve better than what we have today at least.
So what I want is for you to simply shoot cars with any weapon, preferably with the different ammo types available, until the car explode while you count how many shots are needed and if it varies between ammo types. As well as indicating if the weapon has any agumentation.

I’ll start below with today’s observation. And you’ll see the ridiculousness of it .44 vs Exp. Antimaterial rifel with .50 cal.

Exp. Magnus .44 - FMJ and Hollowpoint - 1 or 2 rounds.

Exp.PVG90 - Armorpercing - 4 or 5 rounds

I don’t think cars are representative.

And what would it be that better represent the damage given?

They are static items, easy to find and in the 5 years I’ve been playing I’ve never seen anything else destructible that would be measurable like cars.

Yeah, static objects (like these red gas tanks) have the argument that they just have one hitbox. At least for most of them I think that. For cars I wouldn’t be so sure if there isn’t a difference if I shoot the motor, the back or the doors.

Machines have multiple different hitboxes and different materials (armor and components) that get different damages by different ammo types… And it depends also from which direction you hit the machines. Some projectiles may go through multiple parts of the machines and deal damage to armor and components.

But I don’t think that it’s much relevant if I can destroy a car or gas tank or a lantern with a certain amount of shots, as they have a different material.

I can destroy a car with my experimental 12g with a single shot, but not with my experimental pvg.
Against hunters it’s very different. That’s why I don’t think that cars are good for a comparison.

Especially because we don’t just fight cars.

You’re suggesting that it’s programmed how much damage each weapon does to different types of objects? Otherwise, I don’t understand your objections to this test. We all know how machines are built and protected so why compare them to an unarmored car or even bring up small items like gas canisters that almost always explode after the first shot?

I learned that if a gun need fewer rounds to destroy a car it needs fewer round to destroy a machine.
Take the Exp. Magnus .44 and Exp.Pvg90 with FMJ and hunt a Harvester that is slow and you can hit almost the same spot all the time and you’ll see that the ratio used ammunition is about the same raito as when you destroy the car.
So that’s why I sugest a static thing that can take several hits before it explodes. Sure, I could ask players to search for tractors that are bigger but cars is everywhere. And I’m not sure tractors takes that much more damage than the car.

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Could it be that the Exp.Pvg90 AP bullet does less damage initially on thin metal because of the higher velocity. It goes right through without causing enough heat that triggers an explosion.

I wish it was but I just did a run with .50 cal AP, FMJ and Explosive using the Exp.PVG90 and a 5C PVG90 with no augumentation.
First I tested your theory and it looked like you might be right, until I added the 5C that turned things around and Explosive rounds didn’t make it better either. A augumented 5C PVG90 will surley be a better riffle than the Exprimental.

Already noticed the weaknes on most of the exprimental weapons which has the equivalent in 5C.
Exp. KVM59 and Exp Huntingrifle is exampels that act so different so they cant be compared to the 5C equivalent and I still love to use the Exp.KVM59 seeing the lightning strikes work their way forward
between the machines.

Did also tested the Magnus .44 Exp. & 5C and all 5C and Exp. 9mm pistols with FMJ and AP today.
The Exp.Magnus.44 is a beast! I know it before but 1 or 2 shots vs. 9 with the 5C Magnus .44 ?!
9mm pistols appears balancing in expected order. Exp.Klaucke17 23-24 shots, 5C Klaucke17 25 shots and 5C N9 26 shots. Didn’t matter if it was FMJ or AP ammo. Still don’t have a 5C Volkov so I left it out from the test.

Another weapon that can’t be tested on cars is the Grg.49 with the HEDP.
But after I started to use a augumented 5C vs. my friend that insisted for the longest time on using his Exp.Grg.49. Until he gave in seeing the number of HEDP rounds I used vs. him and agumented his 5C Grg too. It was noticeable already when I had the SIlver aug. made (the one giving extra damage on big machines) and with Gold aug. you just wasting HEDP’s using the Exp.Grg.