Remove this big splash screen "You have a new gun" ?!

Massive lag on the side box notification?

Started to notice that it can show a long row of items then stop. “Done now?”
And then just continue a couple of minutes later, not seconds, minutes after a looted last item.

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Huge lag on the notification boxes. Almost every time I pick up a weapon I will have fast travelled and recycled it before I am told I have picked it up. I know someone has put a lot of effort and time into these new notification boxes but please remove them as they don’t tell us anything we don’t know already.

I noticed the lag too but its not so much lag as it is loading. It tends to load the items and quantity per loot of box or enemy. Or if you did a few in quick succession then stopped a few seconds and repeat. This load takes several seconds especially when you get several items. This is also affected by fast travel. Except now it needs to load your location and that before loading the loot list (basically put in suspension until initial area load is complete). At least thats what I have noticed.

Didn’t thought of it when I wrote it first time, but it’s a freaking spolier alert we got!

Every time you making progress in the weekly missions and level up until you clear the last 3rd level and get your 5C weapons. Like being a little kid on Christmas Eve and someone else talking about what you’re going to get… Fix this, please!

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I think an option to disable it would be nice. Having it as a pop up bothb in the centre of the screen and the items on the right hand side feels a little much.

I am returning to the game after playing it very early on so starting fresh and the new gun pop up is rare enough for me at the moment that i find it exciting, however I can see later in the game it could become a little bit of a pain!