Remove this big splash screen "You have a new gun" ?!

This is realy anoying! You pick a grey SMG, “You have a new gun” splashes up on the screen?

Killing the valued target with companions and then the daily tank kill mission, “You have a new gun” “You have a new gun” “You have a new gun”, “You have a new gun” “You have a new gun”? Okey, I get it! (Looking in settings for a way to disabel it)

Reached first level on the weekly mission when the last car of the 10 exploded in the middle of a fight, “You have a new gun” “You have a new gun” “You have a new gun” WTF? Enough!

Please, a setting to disable this or just remove it.


Yes i agree plese remove the YOU HAVE A NEW GUN its annoying especially when you are looting something that has 3 guns in it it already comes up on the right side thats great thats fine but theres no need on top …its annoying especially after picking up 3 in a row you have anew gun you have anew gun etc ugggggg and it blocks the view in front PLEASE PLEASE remove it or setting to disable as mentioned already by the user of the original post THANK YOU !!


I have to agree it is anoying :rofl:, having an option to remove it from the screen would be enough.
We already see at the right in the middle of the screen the objects we pick up, so it is not necessary the notification of the " You have a new gun"

The boxes on the right seem okay to me.

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Agree, maybe have it popup only the first time ever you get that weapon and also have a setting to turn it off.

Also i suggest to remove the black/colored boxes that show on right side of screen with recently looted stuff. Keep the text but remove the box like it was before. The box take too much space on the screen.


Agreed with the large notification for new weapons,
but these boxes on the right side are ok in my eyes.
Now I instantly see the quality of the picked up guns if I just took all in a hurry.

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This is something I brought up during testing as well. To at least add the option of turning it off.
There probably wasn’t time, I guess. But I will make sure that the devs see that more people wish
to see it disabled.

Edit: It was apparently adjusted, when I tested it the splash was enormous so they toned it down.
But, looks like it can use some more adjustment and/or optional removal.


Do they only appear once though?

Mmh maybe.
Picked up many deagles today, 4c and 5c, but can’t remember to have seen it every time.
At least once per quality.

I’ll keep an eyes on it tomorrow.

If the text boxes were a little more transparant or less big it would be better in my opinion.

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This comes even if the weapon is already in the inventory, it is unnecessary

Just don’t let yourself be annoyed. :coffee:

Yes, but more than once?
I got three 5c Iron condors yesterday, but I can’t remember, if this message came more than once.
I just know that it also came with a 4c Iron Condor.

I had it with 3c, 4c & 5c variants of the same gun. Then I crashed and after the crash I got the splash again when I next picked up a 5c variant of the same gun I had earlier, before the crash.

My co-op partner however reported that he definitely had the splash screen pop twice for the same 5c weapon in the same session, without a crash.

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WIth all DLC weapons I don’t want to see “You have a new gun” even once!
How many is there, 30-ish? And then 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C and Exprimental on a third of the 30-ish?
In case even if it’s just once per weapon and then the Crowns with 30 and 10 exprimentals, I would have about 160 “You have a new gun” hunting me a long time… :unamused:

For new players it might be cool to see the splash screen (once per weapon/crown) but for veterans it’s a bit annoying.


It would be ok if it would just appear once per weapon and class and just if it’s a higher class of what we already picked up.

By that it would feel somehow rewarding if we find a new and better gun. Would of course count more for players that just begun.

The new announcement that I have a new gun is unnecessary and very annoying and gets my vote for removal. If it was for a genuinely “new” gun I didn’t have or for a gun I had but in a higher grade, then yes, it might be ok but for every piece of rubbish you pick up it’s a firm, “No thankyou”.


a setting for removal would be nice. not going to say that it annoys me since i got used to a similar occurrence in another game with no way to turn it off. either a setting to make it for a certain crown level or a setting to turn it off.

Yes please or a setting to disable …but the right side one is great and PLEASE please one more thing mention the FPS lag slo mo action happening during big battles on xbox series x I have never had lag and fps slow mo issues this bad before . Please let them know . Its still a fun game and i love it lots . Just fix the lag fps when theres lots and lots of machines/action happening . Thank you so much

After some more hours I now agree with you.
In most situations these boxes don’t disturb me, I don’t even see them.

But then there are also situations where the background is so much brighter and these boxes appear so suddenly, that I sometimes reacted on their appearence, because I thought there would be a machine. Or situations where these boxes suddenly covered an enemy machine.

Maybe it’s just its oppacity.

Oh, one more thing to add.
I often had the situation where I picked up another single item and these text on the right side with its boxes appeared and suddenly not just showed the new item, but also three or four items again, which I picked up before. Know what I mean?