Hope to see if potentially rival levels that go above level 4 possibly up to level 15 or 20 like the region levels are, so they give more of a fight.
I would have liked that too, but if it doesn’t happen on this last update, then sadly it never will. GZ’s final update is this yr. Support ends in 2025.
This is not something I would want. If anything, they need to become smarter and more aggressive as they level up, not just bigger ammo sponges. It is no different than adjusting the differculty levels or player scaling.
Even though I think the player scaling in co-op along with the ablitity to use the “G” key to mark targets for all players to attack is very handy and should be used more. And that player scaling should apply only to larger targets above hunters. The smaller machines should not need 4 times the rounds to destroy if it is a 4 player squad.
True ive been encoutering even ticks that either take a full 30 rounds or they die then immediately respawn