Rival names Checklist

Myran      |Tick                       |Maintenance machine|The Ant
Korpen     |Seeker                     |Scouting machine   |The Raven
Järven     |Runner                     |Combat machine     |Wolverine
Ulven      |Hunter                     |Hunting machine    |The Wolf
Oxen       |Harvester                  |Engineering machine|Taurus
Resen      |Tank                       |Combat machine     |The Giant
Liemannen  |Tank                       |Combat machine     |Grim Reaper
Zhar-ptitsa|Mechanical Unit (Firebird) |Hunting machine    |
Volk       |Mechanical unit (Wolf)     |Combat machine     |
Rys        |Mechanical unit (Lynx)     |Scouting machine   |
Runner     also known as => Wolverine - Jarven - Stridsmaskin 30
Hunter     also known as => Wolf - Ulven - Jaktmaskin 60
Harvester  also known as => Ox - Oxen - Ingenjörsmaskin 80
Tank       also known as => Giant - Resen - Stridsmaskin 90 - Liemannen


  • FNIX machines are generally associated with negative connotations in their names, while Soviet machines tend to carry a predominantly positive connotation. However, not all names fall strictly into these categories, as some seem neutral in nature.

  • Basically, the Rival names, much like companion names, are created by combining elements from pre-established lists of nouns, proper nouns, and adjectives and combined in a random manner.

  • Certain locations or areas referenced in the Rival names are not explicitly marked on the in-game map, although they are genuine locations within the Östertörn world. For instance, Hammarstoten is a mountain situated on Himfjäll, yet it lacks a detailed description on the map, unlike places such as Rusa Klint.


Click to open
  1. The beast of Masskär
  2. The beast of Sodra Saltholmen (Harvester)
  3. The cataclysm of Bjorknaskogen (hunter)
  4. The cataclysm of Vesslan
  5. The commander of the Skerries [Special Area] (hunter)
  6. The demolisher of Allies (runner)
  7. The dominator of Vesslan (hunter)
  8. The exterminator of Friends (runner)
  9. The exterminator of Survivors (runner)
  10. The fiend of Dyviks Udde (hunter)
  11. The fiend of Norra Saltholmen (tank)
  12. The invader of Skarven (hunter)
  13. The menace from Dyviks Udde (hunter)
  14. The menace from Norra Saltholmen (harvester)
  15. The menace from Norra Saltholmen (hunter)
  16. The monster of Norra Saltholmen (tank)
  17. The oppressor of the Islands [Special Area] (harvester)
  18. The oppressor of Norra Saltholmen (hunter)
  19. The raider of the Iboholmen Castle (hunter)
  20. The raider of Skarven (harvester)
  21. The sentinel of the Skerries [Special Area]
  22. The sentinel of Södra Saltholmen (hunter)
  23. The sentinel of the Iboholmen Castle (hunter)
  24. The stalker of Companions (runner)
  25. The top dog of Masskar (hunter)
  26. The top dog of Norra Saltholmen (hunter)
  27. The top dog of Saltholmstugan (hunter)
  28. The ultimate Foe (tank)
  29. The watchdog of Iboholmen Castle (hunter)

Farmland Region

Click to open
  1. The advocate of Stora Dyrbo (wolf)
  2. The archenemy (runner)
  3. The annihilator of Meatbags [Star Wars reference] (tank)
  4. The assassin of Meatbags [Star Wars reference] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  5. The benefactor of the Overbyslatten Plains (wolf)
  6. The Bête Noire (runner) (the black Beast)
  7. The boss of the Overby Air Base (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  8. The cataclysm of Farstaborg Castle (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  9. The cataclysm of Boo (reaper)
  10. The cataclysm of Boo Bridge (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  11. The commander of Averholm Manor (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  12. The commander of Hammarnas (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  13. The commander of Ostra Mark (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  14. The conqueror of Ostra Mark (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  15. The dominator of Annagruvan (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  16. The dominator of Boo (reaper)
  17. The enforcer (runner)
  18. The fiend of the Croplands (reaper)
  19. The horror of Hammarnas (reaper)
  20. The guardian of the fields (wolf)
  21. The invader of Avern Lake (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  22. The loyal Comrade (lynx)
  23. The nightmare of Teammates (runner)
  24. The mechanical Perun (lynx) (Slavic god of thunder)
  25. The menace of Farstaborg Castle (reaper)
  26. The monster of Ostra Mark (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  27. The oppressor of Boo Bridge (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  28. The oppressor of Overbyslatten Plains (reaper)
  29. The peril of Sorken (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  30. The peril of Stora Dyrbo (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  31. The raider of Averholm Manor (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  32. The raider of Boo Bridge (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  33. The raider of the Croplands [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  34. The ransacker of Annagruvan (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  35. The ransacker of Dyrboslätten Plains (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  36. The ruler of Hammarnas (reaper)
  37. The ruler of Stora Dyrbo (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  38. The ruler of the Overby Air Base (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  39. The ruler of the Stone Ships (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  40. The sentinel of the Stone Ships (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  41. The stalker of Farstaborg castle (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  42. The supporter of Averholm Manor (firebird)
  43. The terrible Assassin (lynx)
  44. The terror of Boo Bridge (tank)
  45. The terror of the fields (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  46. The terror of Dyrboslätten Plains [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  47. The top dog of Avern Lake (tank)
  48. The top dog of Stora Dyrbo (hunter)
  49. The tsar of Annagruvan (wolf)
  50. The tyrant of Farstaborg Castle (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  51. The tyrant of the Farmlands (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  52. The vandal of Boo Bridge (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  53. The vandal of Overbyan River [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)

Forest Region

Click to open
  1. The adversary of Society (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  2. The beast of Kungsgarden (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  3. The boss of Markbacken (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  4. The boss of the Suburbs [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  5. The boss of the Woodlands [Special Area] (tank*)
  6. The commander of the Port (hunter)
  7. The dominator of the Forest (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  8. The fiend of Overby bridge (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  9. The guardian of Markbacken (firebird)
  10. The invader of Avern Lake (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  11. The killer of Companions (runner)
  12. The menace from Marden (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  13. The monster of Markbacken (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  14. The nightmare of Teammates (tank)
  15. The oppressor of the Windmills (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  16. The peril of the Windmills (tank) (harvester) (hunter) (reaper)
  17. The peril of Tyloveden (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  18. The plague of Lilla (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  19. The plague of the Forest (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  20. The plague of the Port [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  21. The preserver of the windmills (soviet)
  22. The protector of Algsjon (soviet)
  23. The ransacker of the IGA Factory (hunter)
  24. The stalker of the Forest (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  25. The supporter of Avern Lake (wolf)
  26. The terror of the Windmills (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  27. The top Dog of the Old Town [Special Area] (hunter)
  28. The tyrant of Tyloveden (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  29. The vandal of the Port [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  30. The watchdog of Markbacken (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  31. The watchdog of Markbacken (reaper)
  32. The watchdog of the Windmills (tank) (harvester) (hunter)


Click to open
  1. The beast of Himdalen [Special Area] (tank)
  2. The cataclysm of Bjorntunet (hunter)
  3. The commander of the Snow (tank)
  4. The conqueror of Gudloges Stenar (tank)
  5. The curse of Homo Sapiens(tank)
  6. The dominator of FOA 4 (tank)
  7. The eradicator (Tank)
  8. The horror of Gudlogs Stenar (tank)
  9. The horror of Marksatern
  10. The invader of Klacksundsfyren (harvester)
  11. The invader of Österhällan (tank) (reaper)
  12. The monster of Himdalen [Special Area]
  13. The monster of Ulvbacken [Special Area]
  14. The peril of Björntunet (tank)
  15. The plague of Hedevallen [Special Area]
  16. The plague of Himdalen [Special Area] (harvester)
  17. The ransacker of Osterhallan (reaper)
  18. The ransacker of the City (reaper)
  19. The ruler of Hedevallen [Special Area] (tank)
  20. The ruler of Himarvet (tank)
  21. The ruler of Himfjall (reaper)
  22. The ruler of Tarnboda Skans (reaper)
  23. The sentinel of Klacksundsfyren
  24. The sentinel of Österhällan (tank)
  25. The terror of Gudlögs Stenar (tank)
  26. The terror of Hammarstoten [Special Area] (tank)
  27. The terror of Marksatern (hunter)
  28. The tyrant of the Ski Slopes [Special Area] (tank)
  29. The vandal of Marksatern (tank)

Marshland Region

Click to open
  1. The beast of Skvadern (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  2. The beast of the Rugged Wilds [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  3. The boss of the Rugged Wilds [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  4. The cataclysm of the Marshlands (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  5. The commander of the Marshlands (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  6. The commander of the Bog [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  7. The dominator of Stenmiraberget (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  8. The horror of the Rugged Wilds [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  9. The horror of Skvadern (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  10. The iron Kikimora (lynx) (Female house spirit)
  11. The iron zmey of Skvadern (wolf)
  12. The kikimora of Ålnästet (firebird) (Female house spirit)
  13. The kikimora of Skvadern (firebird) (Female house spirit)
  14. The kommissar of Borgakulan (soviet) (Female house spirit)
  15. The kommissar of the Bog [Special Area] (soviet)
  16. The plague of Skvadren (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  17. The preserver of Skvadern (soviet)
  18. The raider of Norrmira (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  19. The ransacker of Skvadren (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  20. The ransacker of the Marshlands (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  21. The ruler of Alnästet (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  22. The savior of Myrdalen (firebird)
  23. The sentinel of the Marshlands (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  24. The supporter of Garphammar (wolf)
  25. The stalker of Skvadern (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  26. The tsar of Norrmira (wolf)
  27. The tyrant of Myrdalen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  28. The vandal of Hermelinen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  29. The zmey of the Rugged Wilds [Special Area] (wolf) (Zmey-Slavic dragon)
  30. The zmey of Skvadern (soviet) (Zmey-Slavic dragon)

Mountain Region

Click to open
  1. The bane (tank)
  2. The beast of Kilslagen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  3. The boss of the Mountain (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  4. The chaser (tank)
  5. The dominator of Annagruvan (tank)
  6. The horror of the Toresta Coast [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  7. The monster of Klinte (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  8. The monster of the Railroad [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  9. The oppressor of the Valley [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  10. The preserver of the Mountain (soviet)
  11. The ruler of Muskudden (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  12. The ruthless (runner)
  13. The savior of Toresta Coast [Special Area] (firebird)
  14. The terror of Rusa Klint (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  15. The terror of the Docks [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  16. The terror of the Railroad [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  17. The tyrant of the Mines [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  18. The top dog of Rusa Klint (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  19. The tyrant of Railroad [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  20. The vandal of Granhygget (tank) (harvester) (hunter)

North Coast Region

Click to open
  1. General winter (lynx)
  2. The advocate of Alby Church (firebird)
  3. The boss of Viskandets Castle (tank)
  4. The sentinel of the City [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  5. The commander of the Alvaret Plains [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  6. The invader of Garphammar (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  7. The kikimora of Hagaboda(wolf) (Female house spirit)
  8. The liberator of Arkelstorp (firebird)
  9. The liberator of Myrdalsberget (soviet)
  10. The monster of the North [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  11. The plague of the Cold (tank)
  12. The plague of FOA 5 (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  13. The plague of Havskrogen (tank)
  14. The protector of Algsjon (wolf)
  15. The rescuer of Viskandets Castle (soviet)
  16. The revolutionary Baba Yaga (lynx) (Ogress, eats children)
  17. The ruler of Arkelstorp (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  18. The savior of Arkelstorp (soviet)
  19. The slaughterer of Humanity (runner)
  20. The stalker OF FOA 5 (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  21. The supporter of Alby Church (soviet)
  22. The terror of the North [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  23. The top Dog of the North [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  24. The vandal of the Viskandet Castle (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  25. The watchdog of the Viskandet Castle (tank) (harvester) (hunter)

South Coast Region

Click to open
  1. The boss of Hisingafyren (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  2. The boss of Lysehamn (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  3. The boss of Smatbathamnen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  4. The cataclysm of Smatbathamnen(tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  5. The commander of Fiskeback (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  6. The commander of Lysehamn (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  7. The commander of Smatbathamnen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  8. The conqueror of the Coastline [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  9. The dominator of the Coastline [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  10. The dominator of Smatbathamnen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  11. The enemy of the Resistance (Runner)
  12. The executioner of Allies (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  13. The fiend of Kalleby (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  14. The fiend of Stenungsnas (reaper)
  15. The horror of Kalleby (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  16. The invader of Minken (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  17. The monster of Lysehamn (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  18. The ruler of Angnas Manor (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
  19. The ruler of the Coastline [Special Area] (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
    1. The sentinel of Hisingafyren (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
    1. The terror of Fort Tosberga (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
    1. The unbending (tank)
    1. The vandal of Fiskeback (tank) (harvester) (hunter)
    1. The watchdog of Smatbathamnen (tank) (harvester) (hunter)


Curious if you noticed a pattern in the prefix of the rival name? I haven’t been noting them down like you had, but anecdotally I spotted a few usual suspects like Oxen seems to always be a Harvester, Mechanical Unit Enforcer a firebird, Wolf a Hunter etc…

Also, the FNIX bots seem to have a negative subtext, whereas the Soviets a more positive one (e.g. savior, helper etc…), but I haven’t noticed a pattern across the types other than that.


Well, the lore seem to indicate that Soviet machines were initially on Swedish soil to help the Swedes to fight the machine invasion and prevent the machines to invade the Motherland. So positive names seem fitting. While FNIX, who did not wanted to be controlled by the military, abducted and killed many inhabitants of the Swedish islands, so prefixes like “Horror" or "Ransacker” should be how survivors saw them.

The list for me was really only intended to find names that said some thing special about the areas they patrolled, so I started to write them down. For instance “The horror of the Toresta Coast” was not on the in-game map. And since I made an out-game map I like to add those area names to that map, to get an even more complete document of the Swedish islands. :coffee:

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I’m gonna start writing mine on paper :confused: sometimes I get repeat names, However, can’t remember if the funny number is the same, & also what’s even more complicated is that EACH region has its own runner names, AND the only way a runner will turn rival is if it kills you, AND, even more complicated is that NOT all runners qualify for the rival upgrade, I have 6 runners rivals, 1 hunter rival, 1 reaper in apegelego region, and it took FOREVER to find 6 runners that qualified for the rival upgrade

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Every machine qualifies for becoming a rival, if it kills you. It’s still just a chance that they become personal rivals.

every machine type, yes, (expect ticks) , but not every Tank, Harvesters, Firebird, Hunter in the game qualify, example: Hunters that stand guard in the military base next to klint, they don’t qualify, :confused:, no matter how many times that hunter kills me, And as for Runners & Lynxes, Only some quality IF one kills you, and still not 100% that they will, i tested this out, and i found Runners that walk all over the place might probably quality, and Runners that just stand in place Won’t qualify, thats how I was able to create 6 Runners in aplegigo region, I tried figuring out other regions But :sleeping: so exhausting trying to find the Runners that quality

i tryed getting all 6 Runners rivals in one place with heavy radio noise thing for screenshot :confused: but difficult, got 4 of them though, Jarven A-307, Wolverine B-389, Stridsmaskin 30 A-339, Stridsmaskin 30 A-345


That’s great to have 6 Rival runners. I have two Rival Lynxes, Baba Yaga and General Winter.

I have a question to all players how would like to help. I am looking for Rival names that have a locations that are not officially on the in-game map like for instance “The Horror of Himdalen”, where the Himdalen area/location cannot be found on the in-game map. I already found several, but with more players pitching in I bet that we can find more. Just check your Rivals and if you have one or more, post the name, region and (machine type; tank, lynx, etc.) in the comments.


it must have been bring your daughter & son to work day :rofl: for game devs the day they were creating names for rivals, but dad I wanna help, alright, alright, you can name some of the rivals, Baba Yaga & General Winter, lol lol lol

“General Winter” is probably generated automatically out of some variables, like we can name our companion, “Baba Yaga” is out of a slavic fairytale/mythology… A witch.

Baby Yoda, might be related, lol

I have been searching the internet for rival names, since nobody on the forums and on Facebook, wanted to help. I found a picture that showed a Soviet Lynx which seems to have a negative name, but the picture was cropped showing only the first part of the full name. Lynx ->The Terrible A???

But it seems not to be a positive name or maybe it can be positive-ish =>The Terrible Assassin. :coffee: