Rival seeker idea

Rival seeker

  • longer alarm range
  • alarm continues after death
  • can hit you with a tracker dart that alerts other machines to your location

Durations and ranges increase with rival level.

I like it but would like to add a suggestion that it summons a massive swarms of Ticks to your location

Ohh. Nice idea. Maybe that’s what the tracker does.

Please no more ticks…i prefer to deal with an army of runners and hunters (12 were attacking me at the same time yesterday, it was pretty fun :smile:) than to deal with a massive tick army, they are really annoying and take too much health from the player.
A temporary tracking would be a good idea though, giving enemies near your position the upper hand, but maybe it should be optional, i would receive it with open arms, but some people may think it would make the game too much hard.

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Maybe the seeker and/or the tracker could summon the closest 1-4 rivals to you. I know some people have been complaining about it being too easy. … although it might take some time for a harvester to walk across the map :confused:

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That would be an interesting change of pace! I’d love to see this in the Feature Request section of the forum. :slight_smile:

Oh what? I thought it was. Maybe a mod can move it.

This is the off-topic section. You can edit the title section of this thread and move it yourself. :+1:

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