Rival spawn rate & general loot spawn rate in Rivals

I thought the exp kvm only dropped on events? Or have it been added in the regular loot table?

I believe there has been 2 events for the XKVM59 - and IS part of the normal loot drop after the update.

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And here’s me with 200 hours and still no exp mgun. Killed around 10 reapers by now and god knows how many rivals. Total RNG was, is and always will be a terrible solution for stuff.

Not quite agreeing, sir.
It brings somewhat a bit of balance…
And longevity…

Yep, I don’t know many rivals I had taken down, at least over 100, before the exp KVM dropped and then it dropped twice right away. Before the exp KVM dropped I only got 4 exp Klaucke on over 100 rivals downed…

Integration to the feedback I left a few days ago:
leveling up the island of Hjimfall is a real nightmare, I have 8 active rivals and I can’t kill them otherwise the level drops considerably. There aren’t very many active tanks on the island aside from rivals which are 5, killing harvesters and runners gives little score. Could you consider reducing the rivals to 4? This way there would be more robots to fight to level up the region.

Upping the score in Himfjall ain’t that bad. Just have to do some hunting.
Real pain is Archipelago…

True, I have 8 rivals in Himfjäll, but only 1 in Archipelago.

Increase the in-game difficulty level to Guerilla.

With that, and given that you start out region score at 0, with 0 rivals, 1st rival spawns in at about ~320 region score. By the time you’ll get your region score to ~1750 (region level 9), you’ll have all 8 rivals in Archipelago region.

Also, keep in mind the 2 hours in-game cooldown time before new rival spawns.

My Archipelago region rival spawn process (click here to view)

1st rival spawned in: Level 2, score 326

3rd rival spawned in: Level 5, score 954

6th rival spawned in: Level 9, score 1716

7th rival spawned in: Level 9, score 1724

8th rival spawned in: Level 9, score 1750

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Discussion moved to proper topic.
