What’s the maximum number of Rivals in the Archipelago Region?
I thought it was 8, in fact I thought it was 8 per region. But since they changed the mechanic for spawning bosses they no longer count towards the 8 rival limit. (I have 10 rivals in the farmlands, 8x rivals and 2x bosses)
But no matter what, I can’t seem to get above 5x rivals in the Archipelago Region. Is the Archipelago different to the other regions in this regard or is there a limit on the number of Rivals & bosses in the map total?
I currently have 8x Lvl 4 Rivals in all regions except the Archipelago region (which has 5) plus both bosses spawned in the farmlands.
I have a threat level of 23 with a region score of 15,396. No rivals have spawned since around level 18.
Finding machines to kill isn’t hard, multiple safe houses have machines to kill that respawn every time, so it’s a bit of a grind but you can constant get score.
Sometimes I have the feeling that it just starts getting triggered if you change the region from time to time.
I had this with farmlands. Just one base, no rivals, but when I moved to another region, suddenly I got a rival in farmlands.