Roadmap '23 discussion

I guess, that wasn’t as clear.
Yes, it’s the roadmap 2023, but “on the horizon” could be read as Gysbert explained the definition of horizon.

It’s the wording. With “later in 2023” it would have been more clear.

But I also indicated that it must be this year. :grin:

Yes. You suspect. But not everyone.

Like I said somewhere at the top: it sounds too good to be true. Those are many wishes of the community that are being asked for for years. And now they all come in the remaining 5 months of this year? It sounded unrealistic. Combined with the wording “on the horizon” it feels like some strong words to attract and keep the community alive.

Like: "Wait, there’s coming more. "… Some day.


Why do you need to have absolute certainty? In these matters nothing can be absolute certain. So what if some things were not coming this year, it’s just a game, nothing really worth worrying about.

Cyber btw, is constantly yapping in my ear as I try to type this reaction to you, I’m not sure what he wants. Can’t have a minute for my own. “Here chew on that!”


Seems you don’t want the development team to waste their time on things that others want in the game…how much time do you think they wasted on trying to piece together a road map, even a rough draft?

How much time would you “waste” on the road map, that is just an attempt to pacify a few demanding players like yourself that needs to know more details of the future of a game that needs more development?

110% agree.


You seem to forget that we all pay for this game and the DLC’s. If it was all free and the devs did it all from the love in their hearts I would not have any expectations or demands. Im not ungrateful, Im a paying customer. The devs do what they do to make money and sell us content, and a s such I want to know what Im paying for.


I speak for myself and what I want, just like others want 2-3 companions, flying mounts and a submarine.

What is a waste of time for me, might be gold for someone else. But reality is that the devs cant to everything for everyone, priorities will have to be made.


A detailed road map would be at the very bottom of those priorities, don’t you think?

I have yet to buy a game or a DLC add on that, BEFORE I paid for it, there was not a detailed description of what I was buying. I have yet to paid for something and then EXPECT for it to get more content. Or a road map detailing any future content add on. If the game is broken, I would like to know that there is something being done to fix it. Which the dev team has stated they are working on the issues from the last update.

If it is a game I really like, I would be GRATEFUL of knowing of future plans but not expect to know of them and have zero right to know. What you paid for, you agreed to accept it AS IS. And very clear in the agreement, that any changes that could be made, do not have to be made public before they are made.


I’d just like to see more then 5 mins of gameplay on my Xbox 1s without crashing to the dashboard and overheating it to the point of needing to wait an hour to use it again. No point in advertising and selling it to the customers (those poor souls at the minimum requirements) only to never be able to use what they’ve purchased. Can we get the fix for that on ANY roadmap?


You’re right. I think a focus towards fixing the most serious issues belong on a roadmap.

I’m going to suggest it to @SR_Carni when he gets back.


I’d very much appreciate that good sir​:+1: :blush:


I Honestly i don’t know about Weapon Augmenting
as in I don’t know what they could be… <.<;

I read someone (on Steam) mentioned that this is likely “Temporary items” attached to Weapons.
Sounds like the Canister attachments to Weapons in Atomic Heart.
Which is Items with set amount of charges, that when attached will use a charge on shot (or Melee hit) till it depletes it gets detached and drops of by itself.
They lasted for a decent amount of attacks/shot, at least they seemed cheep and sometimes dropped.
I don’t about such. as we already have Experimental Ammo…

However If they are Experimental Attachments (Magazines/Clips and Scopes)
or Hand Grips or Under-barrel Grenade Launcher or Shotgun for Assault Rifles
or Hand Grips for Shotguns.
I would be Intrigued ^.~

Now Skill Rewamp is Very welcome one, But also the most Scariest! <.<;
As this can either Great, Good, Alright, Fine, Bad or Terrible. all depended on the changes.

I think Combat is rather Good as it is.
but Support, Survival and Tech needs a’lot of skill shuffling for their 6 semi-dedicated columns
As Right now, Tech/Binocular skills are all over the Skill Tree and not under a dedicated column like Hacker
I also think that Engineer should be made into the “Mechanical Pet” column rather then Glorified Scavenger with Exclusive Loot: Tick pods.

A dedicated Thrown and Explosives column.
But also Survival focusing on Physical Fitness, Toughness and Strength in melee maybe a Melee Specialization instead of the Commando (as that is the Least interesting one)
But also Moving Covert ops (Flanking and Stealth) skills together into the same column

Right now Medic needs a Gameplay re-designs, like with Healing other Players with First Aid kits which should be “Scope Button” / “Right Mouse Button” and yourself like normal. (“Trigger” / “Left Mouse Button”)
Also The Medic column should Focus on Healing and Medical, it have 2 non-medic skills and that does nothing… (I don’t recall being able to revive without Adrenaline…) <.<
I do hope the Devs read into my Suggestions About Medic Re-designs some months back.

I very much hope We’ll be informed and Updated about this as it goes on ^.~

60FPS on PlayStation 5
That’s Great to Hear, even though I’m not on that Platform. ^.~

I were hoping to see another Vehicle DLC ^.^
but i did not expect to see a S at the end of it. So Multiple New Vehicles, I wonder…

Quads?, I’ve read some wanted those, Oh i didn’t know they were around in the 1989~ o.0
Hmm, I’ve seen some Farmers with Quads that have a Seat for their Heard dog to ride it with them.
I wonder if our Companion Runner could too?

Trikes / 3 Wheeled Bike?
I saw a Picture of one where a Passenger had a full view over the Driver, which meant the Passenger Player would have full view to Scout with Binoculars or Shoot from.


Personally i would Love a Multi Passenger Bike, with a Sidecar
For the the Passenger Player to the able shoot from.
(with mounting options for the Card for a LMG: KVM-59/89, PM-71 or N-60 Belt feed from Sidecar’s “Ammo” Inventory)

Example Pictures

The Motorbike itself somewhat Looks like the Vâktare.

I do wonder if there will be New things for the Halloween Event
{Looks at Dog0}
Hmm… Maybe a Skeleton Paint job for our Companion Runner? ^.~

Sadly none of:

  • New Isle (Which I expect to be Story DLC)
  • Apocalypse Seeker
  • Soviet “медведь” Machine Boss
  • Re-bindable keybinds for Weapon-wheel Slot 1-8

Maybe in 2024? ^.~


I just guessed on the horizon is some when next year.

Not really, If Im expected to pay for new content, I wanna know that the game isnt dead. Months of radio silence from the devs makes people wonder. A good roadmap makes people excited about the game and keeps them playing, and paying. I love this game, I want my friends to keep playing and I want new content to be developed for us to enjoy.

Poor communication is always a bad thing, I dont understand why you defend that. Also if you have staff working on a project the roadmap should be done anyway, how else are you gonna plan how much staff you need or who does what? I would say the roadmap is the most basic thing for any development team.


Nobody is forcing you to buy DLC content. And I don’t see what that has to do with development.
The game is being worked on regardless, and there will always be free content added over time.

There have been regular dev streams every wednesday since the game came out, there are dev letters added frequently and @SR_Carni (our CM) makes sure to stay in touch with the community as much as he can muster.

And from what I understand, one thing that SR tend not to do is to hint or hype upcoming content when they are unsure when it will be released however.

You’d think so. But it’s a much more involved process to push a public roadmap on top of the internal one that they have, and keep it in line with planned upcoming content without pushing ahead. It will take time and resources regardless.


I’d very much prefer bug fixes to be a priority cause I want to enjoy an update without crashing or seeing a bug :slight_smile:


I have seen the game and played it at the beginning. “I didn’t like it” as time passed and I saw its evolution. It’s been a long time “3 and a half years” I started playing it and I really loved how they take this game forward. but. I think bug fixes and optimization should be priority. on the other hand. I think the bases should be independent of a point of resistance. It would have to be able to be built in the place that a player wants. As well as having the option of creating a cabin, house or whatever, having a base with a roof to protect yourself would be very cool. As well as an independent and non-global inventory system with the possibility of creating containers to keep your loot organized. This is just my wish. but I hope they will do something about this in the not too distant future.

I would love to see them expand the number of players who can join a cooperative game. “Only 2?” we are a group of 8 players. me and 7 friends who don’t like to play separately. they are not playing GZ for this reason we have to be separated and this part is not very pleasant. we are used to playing all together. It would be totally cool if they do something with this and increase the limit of players in a cooperative session

@Gysbert so as much as I liked the companion update we hardly need the Halloween update. what you could do instead is make the mech models more spooky and have more halloween themed mobs, or pay homage to 2 movies that is heavy inspired by the game genre like War of the worlds, or terminator hence gen zero is the generic version of terminator skynet. either one is officially good and i would spend money on that because both were great franchises for movies. as for the skills revamp this is very highly needed as some perks don’t meet up to par with the new mobs and mechanics they bring. we need more mobs as the map is way too big still. honestly i think at this point we need a mob that can dig or acts like a worm to a degree. kinda like tremors . we also need more weapons as much as what you have been developing is subpar we still don’t have a 50cal variant i would suggest the lynx 50cal bullpup , PDW, more launchers like a ingla AA launcher , or a Stinger to deal with flyers. for the companion DLC you could also have a Companion Hunter i feel hunters would be pretty decent as much as i love the runner their reaction time is slow and targeting is not as great.

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I know you are in the dev stream, and Im sure you are very proud of that. But well, you guys are kinda boring and the stream is too long to sit through it all hoping for some news randomly strewn around. Maby you could do the news and the changes first, so people dont have to listen to your awkward chit chat? And thoose who like listening to you can do that after the news. I like Tenebris Infinite and Wired Gaming, maby share the news with them?

No one is forcing me to do anything. I like this game, I want it to be good, I want to pay for new DLC’s. I just dont want everything to be bad, and buggy, and slow, EVERY TIME. I cant even remember the last time we has an update that was just fun and solid without any bullshit or major dissapointment.

Like the new exprimetal weapons that very few people like. Or the companion, or the changes to the crafting system, or adding so many controlpoints that some regions now feel desolate becouse many of the best spawns are gone.

Perhaps some offence, but the guys at AS are really poor communicators and have always been. They simply dont know how to care for a community and build positive expectations for a game. Why not just keep the road map updated, continuously? Claiming that its too much work is just stupid, A good roadmap is a key to keeping the game alive. If they dont have the resources to update it every 6 months, things are getting bad…