Rocket Launcher EMP Round

I’ve found that this strategy works pretty reliably against prototype and military tanks provided you are positioned sensibly, but is not quite as reliable against the FNIX tanks. It also, unfortunately, only works well if you are dealing with a single tank (if there’s more than one, the one you’re not shooting will tend to attack you).

Yes, of course. Where my avatar is presently sleeping, there is one tank right outside and, across the bay, two others stomping about. I’ll take on the one, hoping it finish it before the others can get round the bay…!

Way late to the game but I’ve found that using an EMP to cripple the tank, run up and get behind it while I reload, and blast it from behind with AP works wonders. I’ve taken down several this way, even when being attacked by hunters and lynxes. In the case where they aren’t alone, I just take the more mobile (smaller) threats out first, then focus on the lumbering giants. They’re very easy to outmaneuver up close, and if you find yourself on the business end hit it with the EMP and scramble behind it. The ability to craft rounds makes it super easy, I’m only level 13 and am crafting EMP, HEDP and 7.62/50BMG AP as fast as I can find resources

OK, this topic is dead for four years now…
Why don’t let it rest in peace?

I wonder where you currently are in the story… I remember I was at about lvl 12 when I left archipelago region. Yes, at this moment I had an AG4 and a granatgevär in 1c or 2c, but no pvg. I was lucky if I found ammo for the älgstudsare or the meusser.
Ok, about 2 years ago the game was a bit… Different.
Also crafting just was possible if you found the schematics in world and the EMP rounds schematic was somewhere in the marshlands… The others, well, somewhere else in the world.

So your describtion may be legal, but wasn’t possible 4 years ago, so your reply is pointless.

i also found some EMPs for the rocket launcher in a container, :rofl:, haven’t made a decision on how I’m gonna use them yet