Rocket launchers are rubbish

I’ve put one Charlie G thru a window. I was carrying one and turned around and by accident smashed a window. True story and my commanding officer was not so happy :slight_smile:

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In Northern Ireland a group were practicing with a Charlie G, and it turned out the Sergeant had taken a non-exposive round out of the stores instead of a practice round. When he said, “Fire” it did. It went straight through the wall of the billet, straight through the next one, across the chest of a marine lying in bed, splitting his shirt but not marking him, through the next wall, across the yard, where a marine was holding up a shirt he had just ironed to the light. It took the shirt right out of his hands without hitting him and buried itself in the blast wall behind the billets…

I mainly use rockets to either remove a harvesters escort team or to get some breathing room when enemies decied to swarm me.

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