Rocket silo-bug

I think I’ve come across a bug. In the mission “launch site bravo”, I can’t get the second door in to the rocket silo to open. Am I doing something wrong or is it an actual bug?

Platform: PC

Description: Door won’t open, cant progress story.

Steps To Reproduce: No idea, sorry.

Images / Videos: N/A

Host or Client: No, single player mode.

Players in your game: 0.

Specifications: Intel Core i7 9700k, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB, ASUS PRIME Z390M-PLUS.

Thank you!

I don’t remember the mission good but go explore nearby paths if a door won’t open and if there aren’t any paths nearby, look for a button. If none work you might have a bug. Good luck.

Can you post a screenshot of that second door. To see if you are not at the wrong door.

Of course, here’s the second door :slight_smile:

Did you push the elevator button on the side in the middle?

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