I think I’ve come across a bug. In the mission “launch site bravo”, I can’t get the second door in to the rocket silo to open. Am I doing something wrong or is it an actual bug?
Platform: PC
Description: Door won’t open, cant progress story.
Steps To Reproduce: No idea, sorry.
Images / Videos: N/A
Host or Client: No, single player mode.
Players in your game: 0.
Specifications: Intel Core i7 9700k, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB, ASUS PRIME Z390M-PLUS.
I don’t remember the mission good but go explore nearby paths if a door won’t open and if there aren’t any paths nearby, look for a button. If none work you might have a bug. Good luck.
I’ve ran into exact same issue once in elevator if you stay in to get rid of ticks and runners that spawn the min the door opens it closes and will not reopen I’ve tried button on side but it’s inactive after traveling looked for something hidden nothing really not wanting to restart the entire mission the travel distance alone let alone the “scanning room” drove me nuts