Rpg missile launcher where?

@Corronco Thats the only way…it’s up to you!

I am not colorblind, hence why I can see that “Pink” is a better description for the color:D

Send me a friend request so that I can add and invite you, right? I can’t send it to you

It’s done! Ready to deliver some goodies to you :blush:

…or pinkish red I would rather say :wink:

already. I invite you now? can you pass me the weapons now?

Huh, that’s weird. On my monitor it’s blood red. :slightly_smiling_face:

yes, I can…send invite

I have sent it to you 3 times but I don’t see you in church

Just dropped all weapons, but can’t see the dropbag…what the hell happened?
You stand right before me…somethings wrong here…can you see me?

not. I have invited you again. wait for me to take the bag and then leave the session

I have accepted all invites, you stand right before me in the church, have dropped all weapons, can’t see the dropbag. Have dropped some other stuff too…just vanishing…never experienced this before…
Something is wrong here :hushed:

I do not see you. come on Ittervyk. at the beginning. out in the street there are no enemies. I wait for you there

Im here

You are not there…I think I should leave and see if I still got the weapons…and we’ll try again…and oddly I can’t even open a door…this is very wrong!
Please go to the church again and look for a dropbag before I leave…

OK, I will leave and see if I still got the weapons I dropped in my own world.
If I still have them we’ll try again…Ok?
Keep you posted…

Perfect. waiting for you I stay

Bloody hell, the weapons have vanished into thin air…they was left in the twilight world of GZ.
This was kind of a livestream on how things can happen on PS4…not good at all!
