Runners in safe room when you fast travel

Platform: PC

Description: Spawned into the Uttern Bunker safe house to find a runner in the safe room waiting for me. Didn’t even have time to react to him as I could hear him shooting at me before my load screen even finished. Got insta-killed as soon as I fully spawned in.

Steps To Reproduce: Not sure, as this never happened before.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Single player

Ryzen 2700x
RTX 2080
Windows 10 Pro

This is a new one for me. When I fast travel to a bunker safe house, I can often expect to find runners in the bunker. Oddly, that never seems to happen when playing on friend’s games, but always happens on mine. However, this is a first for the runner being IN the safe room when I spawn in. Typically they’re out in the hall.

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After the hotfix I have noticed a lot more Runners inside bunkers in general. Might be intended behavior but annoying if you aren’t safe when you spawn

Definitely a lot more. And they seem to just spawn in randomly.

After killing the runner in the safe room as mentioned above (after I respawned), I went to the War Room to check the war board again. I confirmed the war room was clear. While I had the war board open, I heard the sound of a machine, turned around, and there was a runner standing in the corner of the room where he DEFINITELY had not been 2 seconds earlier. I killed him, only to have another runner come from around the corner from the safe room (that I had just cleared) at me.

Had many random spawns in Uttern Bunker. I’d just been through an empty area, I’d return to it to find runners there. Even places I’d never seen them before like in the living quarters. I’d just clear a room, work my way down the hall, come back and there were runners waiting for me.