Safehouse Machines

When you unlock a safehouse, do the machines guarding it not supposed to spawn next time you open the game, or are they there every time?

It depends.

If it’s a mission that requires you to clear out the safehouse immediate area (e.g “Strength in Numbers” side mission), those guards will be permanently gone, once you’ve unlocked the safehouse by getting rid of it’s guards.

Though, machines wander around and there are several safehouses on the map that are hotspots for the machines, meaning that there is almost always plenty of machines near those specific safehouses (e.g Anl 118).

In general, it’s random chance that there are machines near the unlocked safehouse. E.g in one of your sessions, there isn’t no-one around. Next time you play, there are someone around. Etc.

I just completed strength in numbers, and the guards continue to spaen there.

Only guard, that ever spawns there, after mission is complete, is one proto runner. The rest are random roaming machines that happened to be at that safehouse when you fast traveled there or spawned in there. What i’ve seen these random machines to be, are: one proto hunter or one proto tank.

Ive been getting 4 military runners and a prototype everytime i spawn there. And everytime i spawn at asotungan camp, i get 1 fnix and 1 military runner. Couls alt f4ing have done something to my save?

Or do the guards reset when you leave a region?

In a nutshell, there are three groups of machines in the game:

  1. Mission specific spawns
  2. Fixed location spawns
  3. Random roam spawns

In 1st case, when you take out the machine, it will never respawn (e.g “Scrap Metal” side mission).

In 2nd case, machines do respawn at specific locations. So, with it, you will always have specific machine at specific location (e.g proto runner at the safehouse where “Strength in Numbers” side mission ended).

And for 3rd case, machines are constantly respawning and following their patrol route. Due to that, it is impossible to clear out entire game map.

Every time you quit to Main Menu and Continue the game, a new machine spawn seed is generated. First, game checks your missions and spawns all mission specific machines to those missions which you haven’t completed yet. Then game spawns in all fixed location spawn machines. And lastly, game randomly populates finite number of the random roam machines on their patrol routes.

Oh, game also respawns all damaged machines you didn’t kill. Latter is part of the:

All enemies are persistently simulated in the world, and roam the landscape with intent and purpose. When you manage to destroy a specific enemy component, be it armor, weapons or sensory equipment, the damage is permanent. Enemies will bear those scars until you face them again, whether that is minutes, hours, or weeks later.

Yes, these two are also present in my game as well and they fall under 2nd instance.

I’d avoid Alt + F4 since that can corrupt your save (has happened before). Safest way (which i do), is to quit to Main Menu and the to the Desktop. While you can quit directly to the Desktop as well, there have been instances of save corruption using that method as well.