Schematics - Fixed Locations

this area has been revamped,after the landfall uodate the door is currently blocked off, the devs are working on a fix.

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Even if you can get into the area you can’t actually grab the schematic.

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.243 FMJ at Lerberget now moved to the nearby yellow house on second floor.
(2490,-1535) is now (2452,-1499)

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When I craft ammo it is described as 1 star…basic level. Are there higher levels of ammo (as well weapons, attachments, etc.?)? How do you craft those? Thanks for any reply. I’m a noob…Level 10.

All the normal ammo, from .32 HP to .50 AP, is 1c. The only stuff that’s higher in quality is experimental stuff that you get from Rivals and Base Defense, but that’s endgame stuff with special properties.

There are indeed higher qualities of weapons and attachments.

Thanks Vlad, I appreciate the reply. Still learning this game and having a great time.


Does anyone know if the HEDP rocket schematics are fixed? Also does anyone know where to get the Medical First Aid Kit schematic?

By doing base defenses (and assaults?).
You get experimental ammo schematics or experimental health kits schematics by doing them.

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HEDP is still buried underground and inaccessible.

Does anyone know where the schematic is at Tokeröd Farm? I’m not finding any schematic there

As seen in the list, the coordinates are -3780, 4125. Itll be in a box with some hay and will ve the 5.56 FMJ schematic

Tokeröd Data Center, in barn behind FNIX power generators, on grain bag.

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Bug/Glitch fixed with HEDP Rounds

Video included


PC, Steam version. Went to get HEDP rounds schematic. Got to the box, picked it up and it was only a schematic point, not the HEDP schematic itself. Did something change, or did I go there too early in the game?

No, that changed. November or december update, if I’m not wrong. It’s the new schematics system. With schematic points you can now unlock every schematic easily.

Read the log for more info.

Just confirming, are all schematics gone (become points) or are there still some that will actually unlock?
I think the blast resistant is from a quest or is that the only one?

All schematics weapons, ammo, and gear will only give you schematics points for their respective categories.

It might be worth seeking out gear schematics because you can only obtain gear schematic points from rivals otherwise.

I almost wish I knew the schematic locations before they changed to schematic points because I never had enough resources to craft anything. At least you didn’t have to hunt schematics to be able to craft dlc items

Well most schematic are still on those old fixed places, check out this page with several links.

They are, but there aren’t the schematics themselves… If you pick them up you just get a schematics point.

That’s what he wanted to point out.
As he doesn’t seem to craft much to get the necessary schematic points for unlocking the schematics, it would have been easier to find them in the world.

And I partially agree. A mix of three ways would have been better.

  • some fixed locations for schematics and schematic points
  • a chance to get schematics or points from rivals (not as high)
  • ability to get the points by crafting as it is now