Schematics - Fixed Locations

Haha, I had to move the box go get it :sweat_smile:


Sometimes it’s tricky, found it by accident while I was looting and exactly like in your pic the box was standing on it.
And it’s not the only one! Had one more but can’t remember exact location but think it was one of those in a lighthouse that also was below a box.

The location of loot bags/boxes is individual while the amount of loot bags/boxes within the POI is more-or-less the same for all players.

For example, i don’t have any loot box on the table at that schem’s loc;

Few screens (click here to view)

these are clothes …i need the paper blueprint schematics for shoes and pants i found jackets and shirts at 2 churches on the crafting table …someone any ideas please

All known schematics locations are written in black and white in pennywise’s reply.

Are you asking from us to teach you how to read? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


What is rude, is flooding the forum with new topics asking the same question over and over again, without ever bothering to use the forum search.

As far as the teaching lesson, i don’t mind it and here it goes:

In the pennywise’s reply, for example there is Fireproofed Shoes, located in Beredskapsförråd 119 (1449, -571).
That isn’t a clothing item. In fact, there is no clothing item in game that has fixed spawn location. Instead it is the schematic for shoes, giving shoes 1% fire resistance.

Screenshots as well:

That goes with every other item in the list. They all are schematics (paper blueprints), not actual clothing items.
Do you understand it now? :slightly_smiling_face:


cant get clearer than that


Anyone on PC had success in picking up the Atheltic Pants at Camp safehouse? (954,-2566)
I can’t pick it up no matter how hard I try and which angle I’m approaching from.

Angle on which i picked it up on PC (click here to view)

Thanks, that worked. It may appear it was the only angle I didn’t hit, although I circled it many times! :wink:

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Completed almost all the tiers for killing Bots and never had one drop.

it seems that you can only find them in specific locations right now, perhaps they will drop from machines in a later update.

So let’s get this up and running again


it’s in the logcabin near -515,1610 at the south end of the trench not sure if it’s just for DLC


schematics seems to drop from rivals now too

Note Tank vision module is a mission item for those who wonder.

And here is

-5480, 4475
Stealty Jacket (2 star)
In the corner in the red garage


Fireproofed shirt - 2 crown
West of Sillavik Church, in Beredskapsförråd 120. All the way inside in the admin office on a table.
(-3724, 3639)

I can’t seem to find it on this location, do you have a pic or description?
Edit: Question is answered.

Hi Aesyle. I have one two star schematic on Pennywise’s list that I can’t find, maybe I am blind or maybe it’s just not there where it should be. Camp Safehouse|(954, -2566)|Athletic pants|Pants|Athletic|Jump boost|2
Do you perhaps have a pic of the location? :blush:

Isn’t the same one i replied to ameinild above? :thinking:

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Oh sorry I did not see that. I’m sure that it’s not there then, I could not miss that in such a small space. But I will check it out once more. Thanks :+1:

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Well, it is what I was afraid of, the schematic is not there. But it’s also not in my inventory, if I picked it up earlier past weeks. Hopefully schematics can be found on multiple places. Anyway, thanks for helping me confirm I am not blind. :relieved: