9mm FMj
what schematic is in the screenshot?
I edited the previous post.
Thank you for your contributions @Gysbert @0L0 @Thagen
Keep them coming
If i find something i´l share over here, but I bet you guys are going to find it first .
Adrenalin shot and advanced medkit schematic locations?
Ammo .50 BMG Full Metal Jacket at coordinates -2780, -2700.
12ga Slug Ammo. Coordinates 1740, -2630, inside shipping container.
7.62mm AP Ammo. Coordinates (North Coast) 1374 -3740
Thank you, I run out of first aid kits too much!
Excellent, now I got both of the .50 schematics, the only ones I’m really interested in!
Advanced med kit
-750.118, -4449.370.
Don’t know how to find coordinates, were is it on the map screen?
You sir, saint and scholar
I found one!
5.56mm FMJ Schematic
-3950.510, 4208.209, inside the Barn near the Tokeröde Machine Data Center