Schematics - Fixed Locations

I almost wish I knew the schematic locations before they changed to schematic points because I never had enough resources to craft anything. At least you didn’t have to hunt schematics to be able to craft dlc items

Well most schematic are still on those old fixed places, check out this page with several links.

They are, but there aren’t the schematics themselves… If you pick them up you just get a schematics point.

That’s what he wanted to point out.
As he doesn’t seem to craft much to get the necessary schematic points for unlocking the schematics, it would have been easier to find them in the world.

And I partially agree. A mix of three ways would have been better.

  • some fixed locations for schematics and schematic points
  • a chance to get schematics or points from rivals (not as high)
  • ability to get the points by crafting as it is now