Servers need to be updated

Hello this a great game but very laggy on xbox please update! This game has potential!

The game does not run on servers. It is peer to peer.

Even if the game did run multi-player with servers, the performance and FPS would not be affected.

Performance has been a chronic problem for consoles since forever. The dev team needs to fix that within the game.


Is that why the more bots there are, the more the game lags?

@Fwerkie, if your friend is hosting the game on a crappy PC, yes, the game will run slower for everyone.

If you have a better PC, you should probably host.

Same probably applies for different consoles. The person with the most high-end version (Xbox Series X; PS5, etc.) should host, IMHO.

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I see.thank you for answering. So on consoles for instance, an xbox one x, the performance depends on the hosts internet. But I noticed when when I play SOLO there are a lot of robots on screen the game lags.but the robots that are killed their bodies are just there. My argument is WHY keep the bodies there when it just takes up space and there just for REALISM? The dead robots should be erase AFTER a certain amount of time like 5 minutes then the robot bodies disappear so the game won’t lag. I know then this isn’t a hosting internet issue. Because the console is not a PC where I could upgrade my video card or memory, or storage space. So if I’m playing OFFLINE and I have frame rate problems or the game is running very slow it has to be a GAME engine issue with the console combination with the issue. I know they had a hard time updating the game pass version. So with the new updates they are just bringing more problems by not fixing the PVP issues and just more base items and a another big robot to add on the lag?!? Ok, I know this game has a lot of problems but I’m hoping they fix whatever is lagging my I wish this game was server based.

Let’s wait for the change log of the Landfall-Update.
They don’t just add new stuff, there will be some issues adressed as well, like they wrote in their letter.

Also I read or heard about an upcoming 60fps-update for next gen consoles (tuesday, too?).

5min for disappearence of the machines would be way too less. Great battles take much more time and I always want to be sure to loot every dead machine. So maybe 5min after looting would be ok.

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Only Series S is getting 60 fps as Series X already got it but the S for some reason never got it. PS5 60fps is being looked at.