Several floating rocks above road

Xbox One S (External HDD)

Not sure if it’s there for everyone, but I’ve posted the location I was in, maybe others can check it out too.

Its there on Ps4 aswell.


Pretty much everyone and their mother have posted this already, it was acknowledged by the devs and it’s getting fixed :slight_smile:

Edit: It’s almost a shame, looks like a gravity anomaly out of STALKER.

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I agree. I thought of Stalker the first time i saw those rocks. Infact the whole game gives me that Stalker feel all over again. Not many games have managed to do that.


@Zesiir I’ve seen other floating rocks around some shore banks, but not like 7 of them all in a line in the same area like that lol. Didn’t know it’s been posted already.

Yeah, it’s a pretty well known issue that’s been reported often. It appears that at some point they readjusted the terrain mesh removing a hill that had been there and they forgot to remove the rocks that were part of the hill.

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thats not a bug, its a anti-gravity testing site for robots that use ufo technology … ok maybe its a bug.

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