Showdown Update Announcement Trailer


Now feel free to pick the trailer apart piece by piece. There’s lots to discover :tada:


Wired Gaming does a great job at picking the trailer apart.

A detailed review will follow on thursday, he said.

The picking apart of the video, is already done here on the forum.


Looks really awesome and suprisingly substantial. I assume you will all move on to new projects after the christmas holidays, meaning this will have to drop rather soon if you want time to fix bugs and such.

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I love it! :star_struck:

A few things we can say for sure:

The new location is on an island, and it appears to be the island west of the Mountains region. The big satellite dish looks like it’s standing on the hillside right across from the Muskudden docking area, just south of Klinte.

The new experimentals are the Sjöqvist, the HP5 and the AI-76.

I thought that too about the experimentals but they kept showing off a rocket launcher… Also the sights on the Sjoqvist are green, experimentals usually have red sights.

We figured that out 5 days ago. Check here for the process

You figured out, yes. But now it’s confirmed. :wink:

any date yet :slightly_smiling_face: is it tomorrow morning, needs 2 know, so I can wake up at 4:00am & start downloading, before helping my mother with turkeys & things, also any news on any paid dlc, needs 2 know, going 2 safeway today

No new paid DLC. That was already told in the announcement letter.
No date for the update yet.

Yesterday we saw the trailer… Guess it’ll be in about 2 weeks, earliest in 1 week.

Is this the final fight :face_with_peeking_eye::exploding_head:

At least the final update.
12th december

Wow , that’s crazy thought after all these years👍

where did you get the 12th of december as a date from?

Sorry just saw the transmission.

Questions: although I like the new stuff being added to base building, what is the chemical lab supposed to do? Does it make corrosion ammo, or anti machine mustard gas? Medicine? I would like to understand the station a bit better. Also, what is the new island? And is the boat at the end of the trailer a new vehicle?

I recommend this topic:

These three new structures will be new sources for ressources. How they work and for which ressources: idk.

The new Island is the one west of Klinte and muskudden port.

Regarding the boat there is no info yet. I don’t think that it will be full driveable. Either it’ll be a cutscene or maybe a NPC drives it. We’ll see.