Remote detonation, it would make the usage of placed devices so much nicer. Maybe making it a addon to things like explosive tanks and the such and allowing us to remote trigger the EMPs and the radios. It would bring a lot of diversity to how I setup traps for machines.
Another thing that could be implemented is the integration with scope vision modes to be able to remote trigger objects. As a sniper character remote triggering objects would be a godsend. Triggering a boombox then when the machines get close triggering a EMP or shooting a gas tank would be a nice use.
Side note with the vision modules allow us to hack machines from the scopes please. I get it you want us to use the binoculars but my experimantal 50cal with a full vision mod on it should be more than capable…
For a remote lure trigger, just aggro a seeker and don’t shoot it. Alive seeker is far more effective lure than any other lure you can find from the game. Even heavy comm array lure isn’t as effective as alive seeker is.
For 2nd remote lure, shoot those long standing welding canisters or big fuel tanks. They make a big boom, alerting nearby machines to investigate it.
Weapon scopes are just scopes with zoom-in feature and that’s it. And if you add vision mod to the scope, you get different vision modes. Binoculars have tech view built in, making hacking via them possible. Also, you can equip binos with vision mods as well (i have). But giving all scopes tech view would make binos obsolete. Latter is something i’m not okay with.
They are general suggestions. IDK it just seems that the Binos are forced into usefullness. Atleast let us spot with our scopes. Obviously you wouldnt be able to hack without the vision module for it. With the crafting update people are talking about making remote explosives would be a excellent use of the system.
You can already spot machines using weapon scope, what else there is to it? IR vision + scope/binos are the best machine spotting piece of gear in the game, especially at night.
Currently in game, we have:
scope = zoom-in + weapon fire
binos = zoom-in + tech view and marking (when proper skills are unlocked)
Why nerf one (binos) and make another OP (scope)? Explain me that. Is it because of lazyness?
Crafting as such, isn’t confirmed by the devs in any way, shape or form. Just because there is broken crafting bench floating around doesn’t mean crafting comes with next update. Also, there is no clue about what crafting is used for. Only hint we have is the crafting tutorial that was in the game for a short while after launch, which described crafting as a way to create weapon mods. But from that time, almost 8 months have passed and devs could’ve redesigned crafting completely.
What did you have in mind in terms of remote detonation, @micmou?
If you have line of sight you could snipe a car battery or large EMP. If you don’t have line of sight you could use a mine.
It’s an interesting thought, though. I do like the idea of having more MacGyuver options if we could create them in world instead of having them dispensed from a craft station.
I’d love some remote controlled C4 sticky packages.
I also don’t like the binoculars taking up a hot slot. I am kind of fond of the idea that scopes could take over all the bino’s functionalities.
EXCEPT the binos are actually useful. They have a much wider FOV. Try finding a bot with IR view with a 8-16x scope. Kinda hard. And you don’t get any kind of overview with that one.
And that’s the idea of GZ, a co-op. One scouts with binos and marks while other shoots. Nothing wrong there.
As they say: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Perhaps “nerf” wasn’t the best word to use. “Making it obsolete” is better.
I am unsure on how to quote people so this might be ranty/confusing…
I meant the marking functionality spotting was the wrong word. I don’t want to take anything away from binos just it would be nice to have the options available. There are a myriad of ways that it could be implemented so that the binos are a equal option. Requiring a specific rare module or making the scope consume some sort of resource like a battery would be one way.
Remote detonation is a hard tool to specify terms with. I think the ability to put a remote module on a already place able object would open up so many possibilities a big one right now off the top of my head is Boomboxes and other such place then immediately activate objects. You could design line of defense type things and setup multiple traps that you can trigger when you desire. IDK How many times a group of hunters has almost detonated a mine I have layed. The main thing it allows is the precise timing and firing of a chain of devices.
On the co-op thing not all of us play it in such a manner I have 1 friend I play with semi regularly and he is a well he is a rambo type player. I often find myself heavily annoyed at the need to switch between a rifle with a very nice scope with vision modes and my binos to do various things it gets old quickly especially in the heat of a fight.
I know some rambo players or some who play like they’re doing a Doom speedrun. The thing is, Generation Zero wasn’t originally designed to be that kind of game, and I’m reluctant to support changing it into that kind of mode. That’s the kind of thing mods are for.
I thought spotting was for a more stealthy approach. How do you find it playing out with rambo?
If you give the scope same ability as bions have (tech view with marking) then you’ll make binos obsolete since weapon scope would have all the features of bions and then some more (firing weapon). Sure, binos do have wider FoV than any of the scope but some scopes also have good FoV, namely 4-8x and 6-12x. Latter is in use with my .50 cal since 8-16x scope has so small FoV.
90% of all my gametime in GZ is in SP. And i also play as a sniper where i have marking skill as well. I don’t have any problem whatsoever cycling between my binos (if i want to mark machines) and weapon(s), regardless if i play SP or MP.
I just don’t see the point why to make game easier and simpler.
What’s next? Underslung grenade launcher (M203) for AG4/AG5 to make m/49 obsolete since someone doesn’t want to spend time to switch between two weapons?
“Rambo”, “brawler”, “run and gun” etc are a type of players in GZ with whom, if given chance, i wouldn’t play with. My “sneak and snipe” (slow) type of gameplay just doesn’t fit with “run and gun” (fast) gameplay. And i too have been annoyed by such players. But rather than letting them to define how i should play (e.g doing everything faster just to keep up with them), i’ve just quitted the game. No point for me to be there if i don’t enjoy it.
Never said GZ is only co-op game. GZ was designed as co-op game but it also has SP for those who like playing SP (like me).
Again I aint asking to give the scope the abilities outright and there are multiple ways it could be balanced. But all this talk about the scopes is getting away from the main part of the article the remote detonation TBH I think Binos should be on there own key and we should be able to swap ammo types by holding the R button.
The main topic of the article was never meant to be on the scopes it was meant to be on how we can improve placed items. We all play our own way and on the topic of making the game easier the game is already kinda easy even playing a engineer/sniper.
A lesson for future: If you don’t want people discussing other ideas you have, don’t put them into the topic in the first place. Keep each idea as separate topic.
I’m indifferent about the remote control/detonation. What little i had to say about it, that i already said.
Perhaps the remote control does enrich the gameplay in some way. But as much as i’ve read about it from here, it doesn’t make any item obsolete. Same can’t be said about the scope idea.
For balancing, i’d remove all vision mods from the game and make low light, IR and OPV built-in for the binos. This way, you’d have tactical binos for scouting, tech view and marking.
Expanding the idea would rename Binoculars to Tactical Binoculars and put a level system on them, just like weapon and weapon mods are, e.g:
1* - no special ability, just 8-42x zoom
2* - 8-42x zoom + tech view (with marking)
3* - 8-42x zoom + tech view + low light
4* - 8-42x zoom + tech view + low light an OPV
5* - 8-42x zoom + tech view + low light, IR and OPV
For spawn locations, 1* would be commonly found from campfires and tourist spots. 2* would be the one you 1st get (so you can use skills with it) and rarely at hunters houses. 3* to 5* would only be found from military bases / command bunkers.
It sort of does. Initially we only could build traps with gas tanks and shooting them. Then we got mines. The next iteration would be remote controllable explosives. But I find that coming quite naturally. Some items are more for the beginning while others are more for late game. Very similar to the different med kits.