Size of Generation Zero folder (PC)

Been a while since I posted here. Anyway, game just updated, just wanted to check up on the folder size of the game.
My game folder (x:\Steam\steamapps\common\GenerationZero) is close to 57 GB in size, is this the same for everyone else, or is something taking up space that shouldn’t?

yeah same here, thats just how much space it takes up.

The update was about 14GB in size to download off Steam but the folder size only increased a few KB. For me it was integrating and replacing files as it downloads and kept my GPU maxed out most of the time. Then after the download was complete, it verified the files.

The day before I did a manual back up of my 2 save files. After the update was complete, I rebooted my computer. All seems ok but have not had the free hours needed to test out the new stuff yet.

Hey my guy, do you know if the update was around the same size for console? It should be right?