When shooting all 5 shells off a Sjöquist the reloading sometimes ends after 1 shell.
Steps To Reproduce:
Shoot all shells until the magazine is empty and let the game reload. It happens about every 3rd to 4th time that the character ends the reloading animation after inserting the upper shell.
This could be intended. The Sjögren Inertial Shotgun that it’s based on is (once it’s empty) reloaded by initially inserting a shell into the top and cocking it, before one can load shells into the tube magazine separately. Wonder if we can get @Bjorn to say anything about it?
I’m not sure. Sometimes the char reloads all 5 shells without me doing anything (like pressing the reload key a second time) and sometimes the reload just stops after the upper shell. Pressing the reload key a second time continues the reload animation.
I think there is somehow a bug since the reloading is not coherent. Either let the player press the reload key twice or continue the reload animation.
Is it possible that you pressed the fire button while loading or while the gun automaticly starts loading after you shoot the last shot? That would be the signal to load the fewest anmount of rounds, so 1 shot, and make the gun ready to fire as fast as possible.
Because that’s what happend to me most of the time. Lets say there are 4 shots left in the gun and I click 5 times when i stand in front of a hunter. The fifth click causes that I only load one shot in the gun. To load the rest i have to manuelly press reload.
But maybe you found a bug here
Hmm, I think I misunderstand your former post. That additional trigger was actually happening every time the Sjöqvist wasn’t fully reloaded. One can hear the clicking of the trigger after the last shot was fired. That’s surely the reason why this happened.
But since every other gun in the game gets fully reloaded regardless of extra triggers after the last shot was fired I would expect the same for the Sjöqvist