Skill pirate machines 2/2

Does this ability work for someone? I have it developed to the fullest. With the binoculars I hit a machine and only smoke comes out. It does not attack other machines. and the fight against me always ends. Does anyone know how that ability works?

What are you describing is a “Remote Hacking” skill. Or it could be “Hacker” specialization.

Here’s how Remote Hacking works:

  • Each machine has the “hack success rate”, which varies from class to class and type to type. E.g proto runner has hack success of 80% while proto tank has hack success of 20%.

  • Once you hack the machine you have 2-way (or 3-way) result what can happen:

  1. hack fails and you have to wait for 60 seconds before you can make another attempt in hacking
  2. machine stands still confused
  3. machine attacks other machines (this option is unlocked only with active Hacker specialization)
  • If hack is successful, the hack lasts only for 20 seconds (or 40 seconds if Remote Hacking is lvl 2) and
    once machine comes out of the hack, it will be instantly aggrod to you.

Remote Hacking is useful to confuse the target machine for a short while, either for you to escape from it, or you to attack it without it counter attacking you on the same time. And Hacker specialization adds another hacking outcome, where the machine becomes allied to you for a short while.

Remote Hacking and Hacker are best uses against weaker machines; runners and hunters. And maybe harvesters as well. But tanks have so low hack success chance that hacking them isn’t worthwhile.


NIce information, never knew the numbers, thanks

You can see the numbers once you’ve unlocked Remote Hacking skill.

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Ah ok , research in the forums said it was a poor return for your skill point so I never went there, A rework of the skill tree seems to be advisable as half of the skills are rarely used ( under powered) or hidden behind time limited skills like veteran guerilla, more XP on marked targets ??? Wow no way I want to put out skill points into that to be able to heal more with med kits. Thank again for the info. On my third build. LOL

Yeah, Remote Hacking and Hacker doesn’t provide the results most people expect from them. Then again, they do work, but you need to have patience to use it (waiting 60 seconds each time hack fails), and knowledge that machines do trace your hack back to you, thus knowing where you are, once they come out of it.