First for anyone who says this game is NOT for solo players, or is to difficult for solo players, etc etc etc doesn’t know how to play a solo game. Most people who play solo want to rush a game, run & gun those are not solo players. That said…I have been playing games SOLO since games started. I have played games on just about every console possible, but I don’t play multiplayer, or online games at all. I have played CO-OP with my late gf but that’s about it. I tried multiplayer with some long time friends in a game we all love but nope. I play my games slow, methodical & I will explore every possible inch of the game map possible & I might even do things 2 or 3 different ways to find a simpler way to avoid a major fight.
Now I do have a bone to pic with the Devs…in your controller layout you WASTE ONE BUTTON for the “EMOTES”…well I am sorry I am a solo player & don’t need them & I do think there are many many people out there that might think as I do. But instead of having the EMOTES…why not have that button be a WEAPON WHEEL. I know from talking to most people who play the game, we call carry multiple weapons and the only way to change them is to go into the INVENTORY, change it & by that time you could be dead, unless you are in a safe location. If you make the EMOTES button, a WEAPON WHEEL you will have the ability to change weapons in a matter of seconds.
Now you can also keep it the EMOTES as well just simply have a selection on the pie wheel the EMOTES and select it & up pops the EMOTES selection wheel and both problems solved and available to everyone.
But for me as a solo player its a wasted button on my PS4 controller and for you its much easier than changing the entire controller matrix into a customizable one and will allow both solo & multiplayers the ability to change weapons faster and for those multiplayers the emotes are still right their for useage.
Hope this helps & boy I would love to see that changed…its a pain running away just to change to a different weapon other than the 2 I already have select.
There are allot of other little things which I am sure make those people who say “this game is no fun as a solo player”…but actually for me they are the things that make it fun. You might simply want to change the add for a solo player as a strategy tester, because you wanna run & gun solo well I have a perfect place for your grave with a beautiful sunset every night on the map. I don’t like the idea of solo scaling…use the overall difficulty & add one more lower lever for those solo players that think it’s too hard…I have been playing this entire game so far at the medium level…but that is me…that is the way I play…not the same as maybe another…plus I am more patient…yea I screamed & yelled in the beginning until I figured out what was needed…but I think the only draw back is your timeline…cause sorry no one will keep the kinds of weapons you come across in the beginning of the game…lol lol…they’d be in the trash…oh by the way…keep up the great work…but relax too…