Spawn location for prototype tanks/harvesters?

Going for the two achievements related to these. Anyone know of a good spawn location for prototype tanks and harvesters?

The airfield has a lot of them I just don’t know if they are prototypes

Hey, at the airfield are military and sometimes FNIX Tanks. But you can always find a prototype tank in Östervik.

Saltholmen church often has a prototype tank outside, but it’s not always there. Also, just north of Norra Saltholmen, near the safe-house that’s just a tiny bunker with a fighter jet in it (I don’t remember the name), there’s typically at least one tank, but I don’t remember if they’re prototype or military.

I don’t think I’ve ever seena prototype harvester beyond the one or two I fought on Norra Saltholmen though, so unfortunately can’t help you there. Roaming the southern farmlands and north-eastern south-coast would be my guess though.

There always seems to be a Prototype Tank patrolling this area, not far from the airplane hangar in the mountain acting as a safehouse. Everytime I spawn there there’s at least one Prototype Tank there. Usually a couple of Hunters as well.

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

That Tank is always there - it’s certainly not a FNIX. It is alone, although there is a Harvester wandering along the road to the North, guarded by Dogs, and a standing patrol of 3-4 Hunters and another standing patrol of five Dogs, so you need to be careful you don’t attract them, or it gets a bit one-sided…

I find them pretty regularly around relay beacons.

Where is that on the full map?

Here (if you can spot it):

Broskulla (1061;-773) is practically guaranteed to spawn at least one Proto tank and often one Proto harvester as well.