[Steam PC]Spetsnaz wolf with mine launcher bugged

Platform: PC steam

Description: Spetsnaz wolf with mine launcher can still shoot out mines even with both side launchers shot off. And no, there is no other Spetsnaz wolf around

Steps To Reproduce: Find a Spetsnaz wolf with mine launcher and shot off both side of it’s launchers

Images / Videos: https://youtu.be/ELeIqaw-Tfc

Host or Client: single player

Players in your game: only myself

Specifications: MSI MEG z390-ace i9-9900k DDR4 16G 4266 C-19 ; RTX 2080Ti 11G

I have cases were I shot the 2 things off with .243 heat ammo from far away with a sniper rifle :face_with_monocle: and then the wolfs just sit there starring at me, and doesnt do anything, maybe its the stealth level