Storage boxes in safe houses

Well, it’s like a “Build Your Own Girlfriend…” And then she carries your lunch. Perfect…

Hey guys, let’s keep this discussion about the thread topic! :slight_smile: Not about things such as “building your own girlfriend” or sexist comments as “And then she carries your lunch”, that meaning may not be intended but it can be taken the wrong way and be offensive to other users on the forum.

Thanks for everyone participating in the topic of storage boxes as I do like the idea as well!

I truly think that storage is needed to add another element. If for some reason the Devs are not capable of getting it to work than why not follow the footsteps of a game that this one takes after (theHunter) and just add a backpack system to at least extend inventory space. They could also just increase the carry skill as well.
Anyone that says its not needed,sure you could play without storage but you are than forced into choices. You might like that but some do not and I for one like to have options and I might get bored of using a weapon and want to switch on the fly without having to drop anything. It is not about hoarding and more about options and resources…drops are random and for me most of the time when I loot stuff the containers are empty.

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Welcome to the community! :wink:

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Just drop them in your save house and they will he there

Thank you for your contribution, but this thread is three years old and severely outdated :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I’ll close it so that this topic doesn’t get necroed further, in the future please pay attention to the timestamps :slight_smile: